A summer school on “Healthy people and sustainable future” was organized for students


On September 6-8, a summer school organized by the Republican Committee of the Free Trade Union of Azerbaijan Education Workers (ATIAHI RK) was organized.

120 students of higher education institutions who are trade union activists, chairmen of student trade union committees and media representatives participated in the summer school organized in the “Tahsil” Recreation Center located in Nabran settlement of Khachmaz district.

A conference on “Healthy people and sustainable future” was held on September 7 as part of the summer school. Araz Pashayev, chairman of the Republican Committee of the Free Trade Union of Azerbaijan Education Workers, opened the event with an opening speech and noted that it has become a tradition to organize a summer school for students who are trade union activists in September of every year:

“This year’s summer school is dedicated to the year of “Solidarity for the Green World”. By the order of the President of Azerbaijan, 2024 was declared the year of “Solidarity for the Green World” in our country. During this year, various events are held in our republic. The main purpose of these events is to hold discussions on environmental protection, climate change prevention, environmental health, economical and efficient use of natural resources, and similar topics.

Also this year, Azerbaijan will host a prestigious event such as the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – COP29. At this event, it is expected that important decisions will be made regarding the prevention of global environmental problems that concern the whole world.”

Araz Pashayev emphasized that each of us as individuals should fulfill our civic duties responsibly in order to prevent global environmental problems: “The purpose of organizing the conference is to discuss the work we can do both as a trade union organization and as a trade union activist, until 2030 It is to make our contributions to Azerbaijan, which has been defined as a “country of clean environment and green growth” as one of the five national priorities for socio-economic development.

Then, chairpersons of student union committees, students who are union activists spoke at the conference, shared their views on the topic and gave their suggestions.

After the conference, Araz Pashayev and students planted trees in the territory of the recreation center.

It should be noted that within the framework of the summer school, various sports competitions and intellectual games were organized for the students, and work was done to organize their free time effectively.