International seminar held in Baku


On August 19-20, an international seminar on “increasing the influence of trade unions on state policy on fair green transition in Azerbaijan” was held in Baku.

Representatives of ATUC and member organizations attended the seminar, which was jointly organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC).

Deputy Chairman of ATUC Javanshir Alkhasov and employee of the European and Central Asian Department of ACTRAV Sergeyus Glovascas spoke about the relevance and importance of the seminar.

At the seminar, ILO experts gave detailed information about the priorities of COP29, the contribution of ATUC to the presentation of Azerbaijan’s position in COP29, ensuring a healthy and safe working environment, gender equality in the green economy and other necessary issues on the topic, and panel discussions were held.