Trade Union Committee of oil Pipelines Department holds conference


Report-election Conference of Trade Union Committee of oil pipelines Department was held.

Along with 64 delegates, deputy chairman Fatulla Mustafayev, employee of the Organization Department Eldar Nasibov and Chief Engineer of the Oil Pipelines Department Abdulla Mammadov, deputy chiefs Samir Gadirov, Etibar Tagiyev, Huseyn Nabiyev and Zamin Heydarov attended the conference.

First, the memory of national leader Heydar Aliyev and our martyrs was commemorated with a minute of silence.

The chairman and secretary were elected to conduct the meeting. Saida Abdullayeva, who was elected chairman of the meeting, informed about the agenda of the meeting.

Chairman of the trade union committee Imamgulu Bayramov and Chairman of the Audit Commission Firdovsi Khudiyev made a report. The reports were voted and considered satisfactory and approved.

An election was held at the conference, a new composition of the committee was formed, and Imamgulu Bayramov was elected chairman of the Trade Union Committee of the oil pipelines Department.

Chief Engineer of SOCAR Oil Pipelines Department Abdulla Mammadov, Fatulla Mustafayev, Sevinj Gadimova, deputy head of automation, standardization and Metrology Department Farid Sattarov, Engineer of secret regime and mobilization Department Turaj Ibrahimova highly appreciated the activities of the committee and wished them success in their future activities.