A competition on grain harvesting has been announced


“The best specialist”, “The best mechanical engineer”, “The best mechanic”, “The best head of department” competition has been announced in Azerbaijan in connection with grain harvesting.

The competition, organized by Trade Union of Agrarian Field Workers and “Agroservis” Open Joint-Stock Company, aims to create incentives for increasing the efficiency of work, strengthen the social protection of workers, reveal and inspire self-actualizing specialists.

Candidates who will participate in the competition must meet high professional training and labor discipline, and the results obtained during the harvesting season must be high.

Employees who won the competition will be awarded diplomas and awards of Trade Union of Agrarian Field Workers.

It should be noted that the grain harvest in our republic is about to be completed. Until June 16, the harvesting process was completed in 85 percent of grain fields across the country. Harvesting has been completed in 95.8 percent of barley fields and 77.2 percent of wheat fields.