Sustainable Development, efficient reform, real result


President Ilham Aliyev has raised Nakhchivan’s geostrategic position to the global level

The most powerful Azerbaijan in its history has already turned from the status of the leader of the Caucasus to the power center of the Eurasian space. In addition to being a guarantor of European energy security and a logistics hub, Azerbaijan is also regarded as a reliable partner on a global scale with its calls for cooperation, peace and development.

In this context, President Ilham Aliyev, who created all these realities with his completely independent policy, has turned from a regional leadership into a global authority.

One of the main conditions for the transformation of our country into a center of power and its recognition in the world for its development is the constant rise of our regions. It is no coincidence that the construction in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur has no equal. These projects are the largest in the world.

Nakhchivan is one of the leading regions of Azerbaijan in sustainable development. President Ilham Aliyev described Nakhchivan as a leading region of Azerbaijan for its development. Faced with heavy blockade, Armenian aggression, difficult socio-economic crisis in the 90s of the last century, Nakhchivan today unites continents, becomes an important junction of the Middle Corridor, is recognized as a center of cooperation in the Turkic world, it is the real result of Heydar Aliyev’s policy-Ilham Aliyev’s activity!

Blockade, difficult trials and salvation mission

Our ancient land Nakhchivan, which is of great strategic importance for the Turkic world, located at the junction of East and West, on the Great Silk Road, has historically turned into an arena of intense struggle. As a result of Armenia’s territorial claims against Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan remained in complete isolation and heavy blockade for a long time.

If we look at the history of the Autonomous Republic, which celebrated its 100th anniversary, we can see that the liberation of this country from severe trials was realized thanks to the far-sighted and decisive policy of the great leader Heydar Aliyev.

In particular, the presence of the national leader in Nakhchivan in 1990-1993 saved not only Nakhchivan, but also Azerbaijan from great danger. One of the first steps taken by the genius person to remove Nakhchivan from the blockade was the establishment of relations with Turkey. At that time, the stage of realization of the ideas of the Great Leader “One Nation, two states” began in Nakhchivan. Within the framework of the genius person’s visit to Turkey in March 1992, from 22 to 24, the “protocol of cooperation between the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and the Republic of Turkey in connection with Azerbaijan” was signed. On May 28 of the same year, the Sadarak-Dilucu bridge was put into operation, which is considered a symbol of the development of economic, cultural, social and political relations between the two countries. With the commissioning of the bridge, the gradual elimination of the grave consequences of the blockade, the improvement of the material well-being of the population, the introduction of the Autonomous Republic to the world and its integration into the West began in Nakhchivan. At the same time, this gave impetus to the development of the eastern provinces of Turkey and determined a new direction for the development of transport links and international transportation. This bridge marked the beginning of the development of Azerbaijani-Turkish relations.

The people of Nakhichevan, as always, showed their wisdom, united around the great leader like a fist and gave a consistent response to the Armenian occupiers.

The Brotherhood founded in Nakhchivan is further strengthened at the summit of Shusha

Great leader Heydar Aliyev’s special attention to the development of the autonomous republic is currently one of the priorities of the policy pursued by President Ilham Aliyev.

If the foundation of an organized union of independent Turkic states was laid on the “hope bridge”, which great leader Heydar Aliyev turned into a platform for cooperation between the Turkic peoples, President Ilham Aliyev granted Nakhchivan the status of a center of cooperation of the Turkic world. The fact that the Organization of Turkic states, known as the new center of power in Eurasia (the name of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-speaking countries) was adopted 15 years ago, at the Summit held in Nakhchivan in 2009, also shows that this ancient Azerbaijani land has great symbolic significance for the Turkic world.

And our glorious victory in the second Karabakh War has formed new realities. 100 years after the Kars Treaty – on June 2021, 15-the Shusha declaration signed by the presidents of Azerbaijan and Turkey reaffirmed the commitment of the two friendly and brotherly countries to the Kars treaty. Being a logical continuation of the Kars treaty, the Shusha Declaration laid the foundation for the development of relations in the South Caucasus in a new direction. Today, without exception, we should note that both the Kars treaty and the Shusha Declaration are important historical and legal documents guaranteeing peace, stability and cooperation in the region.

The development of relations with the Turkic states based on common moral values and joint strategic interests occupies a special place in the multifaceted policy of President Ilham Aliyev, based on national interests and meeting the realities and challenges of the modern era. The head of state attaches great importance to deepening cooperation in the Turkic world, in particular, strengthening the Organization of Turkic states.

The establishment of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-Speaking States by the Nakhchivan agreement signed on October 2009 3 on the basis of the idea and initiative of the president of Azerbaijan, holding summits at which important decisions are regularly made and other factors have created a reliable basis for strengthening multilateral relations, this institution has passed the path of successful development and The Brotherhood founded in Nakhchivan is further strengthened and organized at the summit of Shusha today.

The International Conference “Organization of Turkic states: towards new strategic goals against the backdrop of geopolitical realities and global cataclysms”, organized by the New Azerbaijan Party, dedicated to the day of national salvation in Shusha and the third anniversary of the signing of the Shusha declaration, confirms this again.

And the order of President Ilham Aliyev, signed on July 2023 on approval of the “state program on the socio-economic development of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for 2023-2027”, is considered a road map of the New progress of Nakhchivan. As a result of this, the autonomous republic is now successfully implementing state programs and infrastructure projects, taking an active part in increasing the country’s economic power and strengthening its intellectual potential. Nakhchivan is one of the places where prestigious international events are held consistently.

President Ilham Aliyev has already raised the geostrategic position of Nakhchivan to the global level.

Nakhchivan is experiencing a great renaissance, developing rapidly in all areas. By the order of President Ilham Aliyev, the launch of the Institute of Plenipotentiary of the president in Nakhchivan and the successful implementation of targeted reforms have ensured the start of a new stage of development in the Autonomous Republic.

The “state program on the socio-economic development of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for 2023-2027” approved by the head of state is a very important document that determines the modern development of our ancient land. Looking at the projects envisaged in the detailed Action Plan of the state program, it is clear that soon there will be new revolutionary innovations in the socio-economic and cultural life of the Autonomous Republic.

For example, 2023 was a successful year for the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic in terms of financial indicators. Last year, gross domestic product production, which is the main indicator of economic development, amounted to 1 billion 395 million 758 thousand Manats, and gross domestic product production per capita amounted to 2 thousand 988 Manats.

In 2023, the budget revenues of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic amounted to 152.2 million Manats against the plan, 121.13 percent or 184,385,484 Manats, and the budget collected 32,163,484 Manats more than planned. During the year, the expenditures of the Nakhchivan budget amounted to 605,013,000 Manats against the forecast of 16.6 percent or 100,696,957 Manats less, 504,316,058 Manats. This amount is less than the similar cost indicator for 2022 (605,869,766) by 101,553,723 Manats.

This means that the Nakhchivan budget was spent efficiently and economically last year, and transparency and honesty were taken as the main principle.

In 2023, the subsidy allocated to the budget of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic from the centralized expenditures of the Republic of Azerbaijan (452,791,000 Manats) was implemented by 30.43 percent or 137,791,000 Manats less, amounting to 315 million Manats. The subsidy received in 2023 compared to 2022 (425 million manat) was 110 million manat less.

This shows that dependence on the center has already decreased, new resources and economic opportunities have been used more efficiently. Measures have been taken to ensure the sustainable development of the economy of the Autonomous Republic, to create industries working with local resources and raw materials, producing export-capable products.

For example, 2023 was a successful year for the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic in terms of financial indicators. Last year, gross domestic product production, which is the main indicator of economic development, amounted to 1 billion 395 million 758 thousand Manats, and gross domestic product production per capita amounted to 2 thousand 988 Manats.

In 2023, the budget revenues of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic amounted to 152.2 million Manats against the plan, 121.13 percent or 184,385,484 Manats, and the budget collected 32,163,484 Manats more than planned. During the year, the expenditures of the Nakhchivan budget amounted to 605,013,000 Manats against the forecast of 16.6 percent or 100,696,957 Manats less, 504,316,058 Manats. This amount is less than the similar cost indicator for 2022 (605,869,766) by 101,553,723 Manats.

This means that the Nakhchivan budget was spent efficiently and economically last year, and transparency and honesty were taken as the main principle.

In 2023, the subsidy allocated to the budget of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic from the centralized expenditures of the Republic of Azerbaijan (452,791,000 Manats) was implemented by 30.43 percent or 137,791,000 Manats less, amounting to 315 million Manats. The subsidy received in 2023 compared to 2022 (425 million manat) was 110 million manat less.

This shows that dependence on the center has already decreased, new resources and economic opportunities have been used more efficiently. Measures have been taken to ensure the sustainable development of the economy of the Autonomous Republic, to create industries working with local resources and raw materials, producing export-capable products.

We can say with confidence that all these successes correspond to the spirit of the reforms carried out by President Ilham Aliyev in the Autonomous Republic.

In 2023, industrial products worth 593 million 899 thousand Manats were produced in the Autonomous Republic, of which 529 million 326 thousand Manats or 89.1 percent accounted for goods, and 64 million 573 thousand Manats or 10.9 percent for services. 85 percent of the total industrial output was produced in the non-public sector. In 2023, banks and credit organizations provided economic entities with loans worth 41 million 52 thousand Manats for the development of industry, which is 3.5 times higher than a year earlier. Last year, 358 million 429 thousand Manats were produced in the Agriculture of the autonomous republic. In 2023, 1094 new jobs were created in the Autonomous Republic, which is 2022 times more than the corresponding indicator in 2.7. 224 of the opened jobs were registered in the public sector and 870 in the non-public sector. All opened jobs were of a permanent nature.

Important work has also been done to improve the social security of the population. Thus, in total, 17 electronic subsystems have been created on electronization in connection with the activities of the relevant ministry and subordinate bodies, of which 10 have been fully or partially implemented.

Attention and care to the families of martyrs and veterans, which are one of the main priorities of state policy in Azerbaijan, has always been carried out at a high level. President Ilham Aliyev, who has always treated the families of martyrs and veterans with special sensitivity, signed decrees and orders for their comprehensive provision. In the post-war period, families of martyrs, War Invalids and other vulnerable groups were provided with housing and cars, and the process continues today. As in all our regions, families of this category are treated with special sensitivity in Nakhchivan.

Last year, 195 families of martyrs and persons with disabilities identified in connection with the war, including 30 children of martyrs and 14 family members of martyrs participating in the “Zafar camp”, in total, 477 thousand 799 Manats were spent in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic by the fund for support to the provision of wounded and families of martyrs in connection with the defense During the period, 3 thousand 315 people received a degree of disability. The amount of targeted state social assistance paid to low-income families during the year amounted to 5 million 140 thousand 465 Manats.

In accordance with the letter of the Executive Committee of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan dated April 28, 2023, 2,700 low-income families, martyrs and veterans living in the Autonomous Republic were given food gifts worth 245,768 Manats.

If we look at the activities of the Council of Trade Unions of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, we will witness the successes and positive steps taken here too. Last year, the Council of Trade Unions of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic provided financial support to 540 people, and 7,700 low-income families were sent gifts. Suffice it to say that over the past 3 years, very important social projects have been implemented in Nakhchivan and assistance has been provided to 14 thousand families.

In general, the indicators of the last 5 months of this year also suggest that the rise in all areas continues in Nakhchivan. If we say that all this is the result of the reforms carried out by President Ilham Aliyev, we will not be mistaken.

The activities of the Plenipotentiary Office of the president are in sight. Every time I visit Nakhchivan, I clearly see this change and development in the example of concrete facts, new construction and landscaping places. At the same time, the consent of the voters shows that Nakhchivan is on the right path towards new goals. Every time I meet with my voters, they express their gratitude and gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev for this support and care.

The most favorable and appropriate implementation mechanisms and financial sources for the implementation of the development strategy reflected in the “2023-2027 State Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic” have been determined in 11 directions. During the political and economic evaluation and forecasting of the development of the autonomous republic, scientific principles were also referred to. This important document will enable the emergence of a new Nakhchivan at the current stage.

According to the document, a new bridge will be built over the Araz River on the Azerbaijan-Turkey state border; Free Economic Zone will be created; exemptions from taxes and customs duties will be applied; new agro and industrial parks will be created; Theme parks will be built in Batabat and Ordubad; A tram line will be built in Nakhchivan; new renewable energy plants and thermal power plants will be built; Historical-architectural monuments to be included in the main list of UNESCO’s material and cultural heritage examples will be determined.

The establishment of a free Economic Zone in Nakhchivan is the main article of the concept of development of the Autonomous Republic. In the current realities section of this state program, taking into account the location of the region on the border with foreign states, it is necessary to evaluate the possibility of creating a competitive trade hub by determining tax and Customs benefits in the region. Attracting investments to the Autonomous Republic and increasing these investments is important for comprehensive development.

Along with Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur, President Ilham Aliyev declared Nakhchivan a “green energy zone”. Despite the fact that it is rich in energy resources and is known as an exporter of energy resources in the world, the use of renewable energy sources in our country has always been in the spotlight.

The favorable climatic conditions of Nakhchivan, located in a favorable geographical position, create good opportunities for renewable energy production here. This increases the strategic importance of the Autonomous Republic for the region. All this will save a huge amount of fuel burned at thermal power plants, as well as significantly reduce the amount of harmful emissions into the environment.

The Ancient Land of Nakhchivan was located at the junction of East and West, on historical trade routes, so it became one of the main centers of the world silk trade in the Middle Ages. Both its location on the trade route from Iran to Georgia and Dagestan, and the establishment of extensive relations between the Nakhchivan merchants and the major industrial centers of Europe, led to the comprehensive development of the region.

The railway line connecting Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic with Azerbaijan had been operating since 1941. As a result of the military aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan, since 1991 this railway line has been forced to stop its activities and thus the land connection of the Autonomous Republic with other regions of Azerbaijan has been completely cut off. The 638 km long road connecting the main part of Azerbaijan with Nakhchivan passes 44 km over Armenia, which was under a complete blockade for 30 years.

The grandiose victory of Azerbaijan in the 44-day Patriotic War created new opportunities on the geo-economic map of Eurasia. The reconstruction of the international transport system is very important for many Asian countries, as well as for Azerbaijan and its integral part, Nakhchivan.

At the initiative of President Ilham Aliyev, the agreement on the restoration of railway transport of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and the planning of the construction of a new highway linking this region with other regions of Azerbaijan will be of particular importance in the modern development of the ancient land. The Zangezur corridor will increase the role of Nakhchivan as a gateway to the Turkic-Islamic world. At the same time, the opening of a dry corridor to Nakhchivan is a very necessary step towards the development of the Azerbaijani economy and tourism as a whole. This corridor plays a great role in ensuring the full-format integration of both the liberated lands and the territory of Nakhchivan in order to increase the geographical opportunities and tourism potential of our country.

The zangazur corridor will play a major role in expanding Azerbaijan’s relations with Turkey to Europe, Iran to Asia, and through Baku to Russia. Thus, both socio-economic relations and tourism relations in the region will further expand in the future.

With the opening of the zangazur corridor, the number of tourists coming to Nakhchivan from Turkey, Russia and other countries will also increase. This corridor will also play an important role in integration into the Turkic world. Turkey’s access to Central Asia through Nakhchivan will unconditionally contribute to the economic development of the Autonomous Republic. Being on the most favorable route of economic relations between Turkey and Central Asia will move Nakhchivan to the forefront of Tourism. That is, this corridor will form the main line of the Middle Corridor.

In general, from the standpoint of sustainability of the country’s economy, the opening of the corridor will lead to an increase in the share of investments in our national economy in the long term. Undoubtedly, the growth of investments and sustainable economic growth of Azerbaijan, including Nakhchivan from other countries will create positive conditions for its rapid development. At the same time, the commissioning of the corridor will contribute to the expansion of opportunities for the introduction of products produced in the non-oil sector in our country and the Autonomous Republic to the world market.

Nakhchivan, which is at a new stage of its rise, is confidently stepping on the path of more grandiose development in accordance with the course of reforms of President Ilham Aliyev. The zangazur corridor, which will be opened soon, will turn Nakhchivan into a global transport and transit “hub”, and our ancient land will acquire the status of an important bridge of the Eurasian space.



Deputy of  Milli Majlis, Chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan