Railway workers visit martyr’s family


June 26-Armed Forces Day is celebrated by our people with great choshgu, a series of events are held, the memory of martyrs is commemorated, the heroic deeds of veterans are commemorated, families of martyrs and veterans are visited.

On the day of the Armed Forces, Deputy Chairman of The Independent Trade Union of railway workers Fatali Bayimov, Chairman of the United Trade Union Committee of the Department of protection Ismayil Abdullayev, employees of the local Department of Depatamenti visited Ganja City Junction and held a number of meetings with railway workers who participated in the war.

The participants of the event first visited the grave of Asif Gojayev, a former shooter in the Ganja cargo and object protection team of the cargo and object Protection Department of the Protection Department, who rose to the peak of martyrdom in the 44-day Patriotic War. The memory of our hero martyr was commemorated with deep respect and bouquets of flowers were laid in front of his grave. Then the martyr’s family was visited, holiday gifts and financial assistance were presented.

It should be noted that nearly 200 employees of “Azerbaijan Railways” Closed Joint Stock Company participated in the 44-day Victory War, 13 of them were injured and 4 were martyred. 125 people were awarded with various medals.