Congratulations of the Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (AHIK), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev on the occasion of the National Liberation Day


The greeting reads:

“On behalf of the Confederation of Azerbaijan Trade Unions, I sincerely congratulate our wise and victorious people, including each member of the trade unions, as well as all our compatriots living far from the Motherland, on the occasion of June 15 – National Liberation Day, and I wish prosperity, well-being, eternal peace and progress to our Motherland.

Dear compatriots!

The return of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev to power on June 15, 1993 was a turning point in the fate of Azerbaijan, giving voice to the urgent demand and call of the people. was saved, law and order was established in the country, unshakable foundations of revival were laid.


The strong and unshakable faith of the people in the Great Leader, the greatness, power and magnificence of Heydar Aliyev’s personality, as well as his endless love for his people and Motherland, led Azerbaijan to the path of revival and development, turned it into a state that implements an independent policy on a global scale, and Azerbaijan took its rightful place in the international world. started

Thanks to the successful continuation of the Great Leader’s political course by the head of our state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan has now become a dynamically developing, modernizing and internationally important state of the world. The magnificent Victory won in the Patriotic War, liberation of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur from occupation and revival are the logical result of these successes.

Today, our country is living the most advanced and glorious period in its history, and the happy life of our wise people is ensured. Our people are united like an iron fist around their state and its head, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, and are moving confidently towards a brighter future by remaining loyal to the idea of ​​Azerbaijanism. We believe that thanks to our monolithic unity, our state will become stronger and gain fame as the most powerful and richest country in the world.

Happy holiday, dear Azerbaijanis.”