An interesting event was organized in the framework of corporate social responsibility in the Baku metropolitan area


The first of the interesting series of events planned for the employees of “Baku Metropoliteni” CJSC and their family members was held at the presentation of the Honored Culture Worker, the famous presenter of author’s programs on television and radio Rahib Azeri.

Those gathered at the event were greeted by the performance of folk and composer songs performed by the national mugham trio.

It should be noted that within the framework of the Corporate Social Responsibility program, the “Next Station…” events organized by the Metropolitan Employees Trade Union are dedicated to Azerbaijani films.


The main goal of organizing this series of events was to contribute to the family values ​​of the metropolitans, who are always distinguished by their collectivism, to form a friendly environment for the employees of the enterprise, as well as to make leisure time more efficient and useful with special programs and new and unconventional ideas.

The first event of this series is dedicated to the film “Childhood’s Last Night” made by film director Arif Babayev in 1968 and considered one of the pearls of Azerbaijani cinematography.

Envar Hasanov, who played the main character of the film, Murad, also participated in the event, which was received with interest, as a guest.

Rahib Azeri gave pleasant moments to the participants of the event with a wide and very interesting conversation based on the interesting events, facts, interesting filming locations, filming moments, newly acquired photos.

Prominent actor, President’s pensioner and People’s Artist Anvar Hasanov enlivened Monk Azeri’s presentation with his interesting memories during the event. Mr. Anwar also talked about the fact that one of the episodes of the film was shot in Baku metro stations. By the way, this film was one of the first films in which the Baku metro took place in the artisticscene.After the event, the participants talked with the author of the project and the actor and took commemorative photos.