ATUC held an event on Independence Day


On May 27, Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC) held an event on the occasion of May 28-Independence Day.

The event was attended by the management and staff of ATUC.

Deputy Chairman of ATUC Agil Dadashov congratulated the participants on the Independence Day and spoke about the history of Azerbaijan’s independence, statehood traditions, the necessity of establishment of the Democratic Republic and political conditions of that period.

Deputy Chief of Staff of ATUC Gara Agayev emphasized in his speech that the first Democratic Republic in the Muslim world was established in Azerbaijan: “it was a great historical event and it was possible thanks to the talent, hard work and foresight of our people. The path taken by the Republic was democratic, and all the steps taken were based on these principles. The Parliament, government, army, customs and law enforcement agencies of the Republic functioned. He had national symbols and state attributes, valued civil rights and rights above all else. The historical experience accumulated during the Republic, the democracy founded by it, the Democratic state building are successfully implemented and developed in the Republic of Azerbaijan, which is its legal and moral successor today”.

Gara Agayev noted that the preservation and development of the independence of modern Azerbaijan is associated with the name of the national leader Heydar Aliyev: “the thoughtful policy implemented by The Great Leader in the 70s of the last century to protect the national and moral values of our people, strengthen the role of our native language, protect literary and artistic samples reflecting In 1990, under the chairmanship of Heydar Aliyev in the Nakhchivan parliament, the adoption of the tricolor flag as a state symbol is one of the most proud pages of our history of the period of independence. Also, after Heydar Aliyev came to power at the request of the people in 1993, our country got rid of the difficult situation, the threat of loss of independence was eliminated and strengthened.”

The deputy head of the office added that today, under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan is confidently moving towards independence: “the territorial integrity of our country has been restored, the sovereignty of our state has been ensured in every corner of our homeland. Now Azerbaijan is the leader of the geography in which it is located, and has a great say in the world. Even authoritative international events on various topics are held in our country, important decisions on the future of humanity that concern the world are made from Baku. It is these factors that show the place and role of the mighty Azerbaijan in the world.”