Report-election meetings in progress


A report-election meeting was held in the Narimanov-Nizami-Surakhani regional united trade union committee, which is part of the Republican Committee of Entrepreneurship, Private Science and Light Industry Workers Trade Union.

The meeting was attended by Rashad Nasirov, Head of the Press and Public Relations Department of ATUC, Mehman Farzaliyev, Deputy Chairman of the Republican Committee, and members of the regional united trade union committee.

After the approval of the agenda and work order, the committee’s report on the work done during the previous period was heard. Then discussions were held around the report, and opinions of union members were voiced. In general, the report was evaluated as satisfactory.

Members of the Presidium were also elected at the meeting through open voting.

Iskander Jabbarov was again awarded the post of chairman by the unanimous decision of the members of the union.

Also, the nomination of Mirkazim Abasov for the position of the chairman of the Republican Committee, which is scheduled to be held on July 12 this year, was approved by the participants of the meeting.

Mehman Farzaliyev, the deputy chairman of the Republican Committee, congratulated the new members, wished them success in their future activities and gave a number of recommendations.

Rashad Nasirov, Secretary-Head of AHIK, conveyed the greetings of the Chairman of the Confederation, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev to the participants of the meeting. He highly valued the work done by the committee during the past period in the direction of protecting the rights of the members. He said that all appeals of the members addressed to the trade unions should be thoroughly investigated, and the issues raised should be resolved in accordance with the legislation in a timely and accurate manner. The Secretary of AHIK expressed his belief that the chairman and the committee, having won the trust of the union members again, will continue to organize their work at a more professional level, and will take important steps to protect the rights and legal interests of the members.