From Lachin to Khankendi


April 23, 2023 is the day when Azerbaijan, the most powerful in its history, ensured the border and territorial integrity after 30 years!

A year ago, the creation of the border crossing point “Lachin” opened a new page in our history as a legitimate step taken within the framework of the sovereign rights of our country, as a very important military and political victory achieved after the victory.

The importance of this historical event was assessed by the architect of Zafar, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev: “On April 23, a border crossing point was established in Lachin district, on the Azerbaijan-Armenia border. We did it once again, showing will, courage, self-confidence. Nothing can turn us from our path. April 23 means the full restoration of our territorial integrity. The establishment of the border checkpoint means the complete restoration of our territorial integrity, and we did it within the framework of international law, we protect our territory, we protect our borders and we will protect it!”

The waving of the Azerbaijani flag at the border crossing point “Lachin” was a final warning to both the Armenian leadership, which evaded the peace agreement, the former so-called organization in Karabakh, and the revanchists and the forces that provided them with illegal weapons and ammunition.

The light of our flag flying at the “Lachin” border crossing point illuminated our way to Khankendi.

In September 2020, the great victory won by Azerbaijan in just 44 days ended the 30-year longing and opened a new page in our glorious history. This great victory made our people even more determined and united more tightly around the chief architect of Victory, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the victorious Supreme Commander.

In addition to all his achievements, our commander-in-chief also became the savior of our lands under occupation and wrote the success history of Azerbaijan in a very short time. “Karabakh is Azerbaijan!” in all his speeches. said President Ilham Aliyev turned it into reality. Occupying Armenia, protected by international organizations and some major powers for many years, knelt before the military-political diplomacy of the President of Azerbaijan.

With the successful “Iron Fist” operation, the Commander-in-Chief proved to the whole world that he is a capable and determined commander. This operation was, first of all, a clear embodiment of the people-army-state unity. The world has witnessed the power of Azerbaijan, and any force that patronized the invading Armenia for years could not hinder our rightful war. Azerbaijan, by force, turned the implementation of the resolutions of the UN Security Council, the world’s largest political organization, into reality, which were adopted years ago and remained on paper until 2020. With this, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev once again declared to the world that in the modern era we live in, not the principles of law, but the power factor is the most important weapon.

Unfortunately, Armenia and its patrons, who did not come to terms with the new realities created in the region as a result of the military and political victory, were caught in illusions and did not give up their territorial claims against our country, but came up with new revanchist claims. Armenia does not fulfill its obligations arising from the tripartite Declaration it signed (actually the act of capitulation), and continued to grossly violate the provisions it had to implement.

Most importantly, they misused the agreed and accepted obligations and did not stop transporting illegal weapons and ammunition, using the “Lachin” corridor for their dirty military and political purposes. Despite Azerbaijan’s warnings, they relied on their patrons and prepared cunning plans.

As if this was lost, they continued the illegal exploitation of mineral deposits in our territories, where the Russian peacekeeping contingent is temporarily stationed. At the same time, they caused provocations so that the initial monitoring planned to be held in those fields could not take place.

As a sign of protest, a peaceful action was started on the Lachin-Khankendi road from December 2022 with the joint participation of representatives of non-governmental organizations of our country, eco-activists and young volunteers. This action, which lasted for 138 days, managed to shake not only the Armenians, but also the states supporting them. Almost most of the demands in this action were fulfilled thanks to the strong will and determination of our eco-activists and our state. This action showed that Azerbaijan attaches great importance to its ecology and natural resources. At the same time, the action proved that official Baku is determined in its views.

Finally, on April 23, 2023, a new situation was formed by the units of the State Border Service in the sovereign territory of Azerbaijan, on the border with Armenia, at the beginning of the Lachin-Khankendi road. With this, Azerbaijan ensured the integrity of the border. The peaceful protest action, which started on December 12, 2022, on the part of the Lachin-Khankendi road passing through Shusha territory, was stopped on April 28. With the creation of the “Lachin” border crossing point, the illegal transportation of weapons and ammunition by revanchists was officially prevented. Despite the “demands” to the threats, Azerbaijan still showed determination and President Ilham Aliyev gave a decent answer to everyone who claimed to cancel the checkpoint with solid arguments.


Strength and determination – full guarantee of territorial integrity

The establishment of the border crossing point in Lachin was of great importance in terms of the removal of illegal Armenian armed units in Karabakh, as well as the disarmament of the separatists.

From the day of its opening, the employees of the State Border Service and the State Customs Committee checked the documents of Armenians entering the territory of the country, as well as the suspected cargo of citizens of Armenian origin living in Azerbaijan, and prevented the transportation of illegal goods to the territory of the country. Thus, as always, Azerbaijan once again proved that it has taken a step fully in accordance with the norms and principles of international law, and that everything is carried out within the framework of the laws at the crossing point created on its sovereign territory.

However, Christian bigotry showed itself again, Armenia and its patrons started attacking our country, claiming that Azerbaijan created a “humanitarian blockade” against the Armenian population of Karabakh. The goal was to achieve the cancellation of the border crossing point by putting pressure on Azerbaijan. Even though they went to international courts in this regard, the decisions were in favor of Azerbaijan. The unanimous decision of the International Court of Justice on July 6, 2023 is a clear manifestation of this. According to that document, Armenia’s request to take a temporary measure regarding the elimination of the border checkpoint was rejected. This once again showed that this step of Azerbaijan is in accordance with the requirements of international law. On August 16, the UN Security Council held an emergency meeting to discuss the “humanitarian crisis” that arose after the supposed “closure” of the Lachin-Khankendi road connecting the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan with Armenia, where Armenians live, and Armenia and its supporters did not achieve their goals.

However, neither Armenia nor its biggest patron, France, stopped political provocations and created obstacles to the peace and normalization process. The failure of the next provocation carried out by France in the name of “humanitarian aid” also confirms what has been said. Thus, Azerbaijan did not let the “humanitarian cargo” sent from France to Karabakh. On July 26, 10 cars sent from France were lined up behind the “Spayka” cars waiting at the border. If the people of Armenian origin living in Karabakh were really faced with a “humanitarian crisis”, Azerbaijan would have taken adequate steps to receive the humanitarian aid sent by the Red Crescent Society to meet their needs and would not have objected to the delivery of goods to the Karabakh region from the Aghdam-Khankendi road.

In short, Armenia continued its provocations in all directions. Its goal was to re-arm and provoke Azerbaijan by avoiding peace. However, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who knows very well what to do and when, revealed the truth and declared that Azerbaijan will not take a single step back in this process. Of course, the issue of ensuring the inviolability of our border was a requirement of the rule of law as well as the national security of our country. The establishment of a border crossing point in our sovereign territory against threats to state security was considered a completely legal step in accordance with the norms and principles of international law.

However, Hayastan, who did not hesitate to use time to attack Azerbaijan and throw evil, continued the same scenario by sticking to his role. Although the Armenian leadership has repeatedly declared that it recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan in the peace talks between the country’s leaders, it has not taken steps to confirm it in practice. Relying on his patrons, he carried out the process of transporting weapons and ammunition to Karabakh by illegal means. He repeatedly committed military provocations. But every time he got a decent answer and retreated. “Revenge”, “decisive retaliatory operation” is the reality that confirms this.

Armenia’s evasion of peace and provocations caused Azerbaijan to take certain measures. The leadership of Hayastan and their patrons thought that Azerbaijan would not dare to change the status quo and that the liberation of Shusha and most of the territories would be the maximum limit.

They did not think that the international community would allow us to carry out any operations in the territory of Azerbaijan where Armenians live and to restore the control of our country over these territories. At that time, mainly the position and statements of France, the United States and some Western countries created serious grounds for such predictions. Fans of Armenia were interested in the uncertainty of the situation at this stage, as during the 30-year occupation period. The goal was to dissuade President Ilham Aliyev from his plans and prevent Azerbaijan from regaining its full sovereignty over its territory, forcing it to limit itself to the results of 2020.

The concept of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the President of Azerbaijan, who never stopped the work he started and showed the best examples of what, when and how to do throughout his activity, was never limited by the results of the war, the policy implemented during the next 3 years and all the work done was a continuation of the process and reached its logical end on September 20, 2023. Despite all the pressures and threats, President Ilham Aliyev, with foresight, pragmatism, demonstrated principles and firm will, brought closer the day when the national flag of Azerbaijan will be hung in Khankendi.

The anti-terrorist measures carried out on September 20, 2023 forced the revanchist units to surrender in just 23 hours and 51 minutes, the release of the criminal regime in Karabakh, and the raising of the Azerbaijani flag in Khankendi, Khojavand, Khojaly, and Aghdera on October 15 had their historical significance. According to the 44-day war and November 8 Victory Day was another brilliant victory. The victory achieved on September 20, 2023 was remembered as a historical event that completed Victory Day due to its political and moral significance.

Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev carried out a process of historical importance during the 3 years after the war and successfully completed the mission he undertook. With that, Mr. Ilham Aliyev drew a line once and for all over the 200-year Armenian dream. The territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was fully ensured.

Insidious games, Armenia becoming a tool in the hands of the West

If we look at the recent processes, we will see that Armenia still wants so-called peace, while Azerbaijan is engaged in the Great Return process of its citizens who were displaced from their homeland for 30 years after carrying out large-scale construction works on the lands it liberated from occupation. In practice, he is re-arming himself through his big patrons and is doing everything he can to turn the region into a war center again. This, of course, is the “desire” and “desire” of the forces that have interests in the region.

Avoiding signing a peace treaty, Armenia, as a participant in the last games of the USA and the West, is creating threats not only for Azerbaijan, but also for neighboring Russia and Iran. The tripartite meeting held in Brussels on April 5 of this year was designed for this purpose.

Although it was claimed that this meeting would only discuss economic aid to Armenia, the real purpose and intention was discussed behind closed doors and was not disclosed. This meeting once again confirmed that the West does not want to accept the new status quo in the South Caucasus and is trying to implement a counter-strategy against Azerbaijan. Because nothing was said about the importance of Armenia signing a peace agreement with Azerbaijan in the speeches given to the press regarding the meeting. It became clear that this was not discussed at all at the meeting. This, of course, was the confirmation of the truths voiced by Azerbaijan for days.

It is based on these facts that the President of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, has repeatedly stated that these are steps that can lead to very negative consequences, and thereby create another source of danger for the South Caucasus. On the initiative of high-ranking officials of the United States and the European Union, during their telephone conversations with Mr. Ilham Aliyev, they tried to convince that this meeting was not against Azerbaijan, but it was clear to everyone that such meetings are against Azerbaijan and cooperation in the South Caucasus.

Of course, supporters of Armenia are working to create dividing lines, and such meetings aim to isolate our country. This also suggests that attempts to form Armenia as an armed outpost will cause great consequences in the future.

The forces that did not want peace and security to be established in the South Caucasus at all times have now clearly taken action again. It seems that the USA and the West want to push Russia out of the region by all possible means, and they don’t hide it anymore. Armenia is used as a tool to achieve this goal. This, of course, creates favorable conditions for the defeated country to avoid signing the peace treaty with Azerbaijan.

Western countries, led by the United States, have taken the path of intensifying the situation in the South Caucasus as much as possible, creating new sources of conflict against their traditional rivals. The United States and the European Union are aiming for a military presence in the South Caucasus by intensifying the situation in the region as much as possible. This, without a doubt, reduces the prospects of peace between Baku and Yerevan to zero.

In short, the idea of a security guarantee is an attempt to adapt the final peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia to the form desired by the West, not to the principles of international law. Of course, this step against Azerbaijan is a serious threat to our national interests.

The fact that a military pact consisting of 20 articles was signed between the USA and Armenia behind closed doors at the Brussels meeting confirmed that Azerbaijan was right.

Before the meeting, President Ilham Aliyev stated many times that currently the processes in the world, including in the South Caucasus, are going in a very dangerous direction, and Azerbaijan rightly expresses its concern in this regard. Thus, the drawn plan for the South Caucasus may lead to a great disaster in the future.

Although the US State Department called the published serious document “disinformation”, the fact is clear. When faced with the facts, the easiest way is to write the truth as a lie. The points reflected in the document suggest that the issue of military assistance was openly discussed between the United States and Armenia. Discussions continued until the April 5 meeting, but because of Azerbaijan’s serious concern, this component was covered up at the Brussels meeting. And now they wanted to remove it from the diary, calling it “disinformation”. There is a secret pact in the middle. This document shows that real discussions have taken place and steps have been taken.

In short, all lies are exposed. It is clear that, as Mr. Ilham Aliyev said, another source of danger is being created for the South Caucasus. Of course, this aims to create dividing lines and isolate our country. This also suggests that attempts to form Armenia as an armed outpost will cause great consequences in the future.



The return of four villages is another victory of our President


In the background of all this, our victories are still coming, and in recent days, we have been continuously witnessing historic achievements. Two very important events that took place last week – the withdrawal of Russian peacekeepers from the territory of Azerbaijan and the acquisition of 4 villages of Gazakh from Armenia – should be considered as a celebration of the determined policy of the President of Azerbaijan.

In general, the peaceful withdrawal of Russian peacekeepers from Azerbaijan means a new stage in the history of the South Caucasus as a whole. But it is interesting that the collective West, which was desperate to remove the Russian bases from Armenia, was not happy with the departure of the peacekeepers from Azerbaijan, and even Washington called Russia an “unreliable ally” because of this. It seems that, based on some experiences, they viewed the peacekeeping issue as a potential crisis between Baku and Moscow. But President Ilham Aliyev, by solving this issue from the roots, showed that Azerbaijan, in the true sense of the word, is a sovereign, powerful state, and the state of Azerbaijan cannot be compared with other countries, and its powerful leader cannot be compared with other leaders.

The return of 4 villages of Gazakh region without firing a shot is another great victory of our people. The person who gave this to us is our victorious Commander, our determined leader, Mr. Ilham Aliyev. He gave us this Victory without any sound of fire being heard, loss or bloodshed. The course of events shows that our President continues the whole process with jeweler’s accuracy, logical consistency, high political will and decisive steps. Our Commander-in-Chief put an end to the occupation in the 2020 Patriotic War, and on September 19-20 of last year, he fully restored the sovereignty of our state throughout the country with the anti-terrorist measures implemented in Karabakh. Also, against the background of the newest realities created by Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the Russian peacekeepers leaving the region and the liberation of four non-enclave villages of Gaza are the effective results of the considered policy.

All of this was a blow to the Western circles, especially France, who did not want peace in the region. They have been claiming for months that Azerbaijan is preparing to attack the territory of Armenia. With recent events, their slanderous propaganda has been overturned and they have fallen into disgrace.

The progress of the processes and the achieved achievements once again prove that the foresight, wisdom, right decision and right choice of our people are the basis of our today’s unparalleled successes and glorious victories. By electing Mr. Ilham Aliyev as the head of state, our people took a historic step. By solving the fateful issues in the life of our state and people in a timely and accurate manner, he duly justified all hopes and made our dreams come true.

Every moment of Mr. Ilham Aliyev’s political activity is our record of success. It is the indicators of his hard work, well-thought-out decisions, decisive and wise position that the glory and fame of our Motherland, which is flourishing day by day, has spread to the whole world.

We can confidently and proudly say that currently Azerbaijan is one of the most powerful countries in the world. Back in 2003, the most important promise made by President Ilham Aliyev to our people was the liberation of our occupied lands from the enemy. Today, we are known as a victorious nation in the world precisely because of his diplomatic skills and skillful leadership qualities.

Our honorable President is leading our country to a brighter tomorrow with his decisive and far-sighted diplomacy, and our people always support the head of state and closely unite around him to confidently step towards a more magnificent future.