ATUC chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev met with representative of Uzbekistan Trade Unions Federation


Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev met with Khusan Ermatov, editor-in-chief of “Ishonch” and “Ishonch-Doverie” newspapers and “Vatan” magazine, organ of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan.

At the meeting, the chairman of ATUC spoke about the existing relations between the republics of Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, about mutually beneficial cooperation in all areas.

He also touched on the relations between the trade unions of the brotherly countries, spoke about the work done in the direction of further strengthening of cooperation and future perspectives.

Sattar Mohbaliyev recalled with pleasure his visit to Uzbekistan in September last year, as well as the memorandum on mutual cooperation signed between ATUC and UTUF, and spoke about the importance of this in expanding relations between the two organizations and trade unions and entering a new stage of relations.

Expressing gratitude for the warm meeting, editor-in-chief  Khusan Ermatov conveyed greetings on behalf of the chairman of the ATUC Gudratulla Rafigov. The guest said that as in all spheres, relations between our countries at the level of trade unions are developing in a rising direction. According to him, regular mutual visits, extensive exchange of views and experiences, as well as mutual support on any topic raised our relations to this degree.

The sides also exchanged views on issues of mutual interest.