There was a meeting with the families of the martyrs in AHIK


On March 18, the Deputy Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (AHIK) Javanshir Alkhasov met with some of the family members of our martyrs whose children were adopted by the AHIK.

Greeting the families of the martyrs, the deputy chairman of the AHIK congratulated them on the upcoming Novruz holiday, and spoke of the glorious page of our history, the Patriotic War, the successful anti-terrorist measures in Karabakh, the skillful leadership qualities and diplomatic skills of the victorious Commander-in-Chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the bravery of our soldiers and officers, their glorious He talked about the way of war.

The members of the families of the martyrs expressed their satisfaction with the high treatment and care shown to them in our country. They noted that the head of our state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, and the First Vice-President, Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, pay special attention to them and fully support them.

In the end, AHIK gave holiday gifts and financial assistance to the members of the families of the martyrs.