The report-election conference of Railway Workers was held


The XXIV report-election conference of the Independent Trade Union of Railway Workers of Azerbaijan was held.

First, the memory of our martyrs who died heroically in the wars for the freedom of our lands was commemorated with a minute of silence.

Alirza Suleymanov, deputy chairman of Azerbaijan Railways Closed Joint Stock Company, Aysel Soltanova, adviser to the chairman, Javanshir Alkhasov, deputy chairman of ATUC, and heads of relevant departments, offices and departments took part in the conference. Gennady Kosolapov, Secretary General of the International Confederation of Trade Unions of Railway Workers and Transport Builders also participated in the conference.

At the conference, the members of the Mandate Commission of the report-election conference were elected, the regulations were determined and the agenda was approved.

The agenda included the work done by the Independent Trade Union of Railway Workers of Azerbaijan from March 2023 to March 2024 and the report of the Inspection and Control Commission, approval of the members of the Plenum, election of the chairman and deputies, election of the Inspection and Control Commission.

First, the participants of the conference were given detailed information about the work done by the Union and the projects implemented during the past period. Other issues on the agenda were discussed, opinions and suggestions were heard, and relevant decisions were made.

Vagif Badalov was re-elected chairman of the Independent Trade Union of Azerbaijan Railway Workers, and Fatali Beimov was elected deputy chairman through open voting.