The global Baku Forum has great support for solving international problems


“Our capital hosts the XI global Baku Forum on the theme of” restoration of a fragmented world ” – an even more important event on the future of humanity. The theme of the event, held under the auspices of President Ilham Aliyev and organized by the Nizami Ganjavi International Center, is as relevant as in previous forums. As we know, the tension in the world is constantly growing, complex processes and destructive wars are taking place, leading to serious consequences. These events concern the international community, progressive figures and politicians. Therefore, the analysis of such events and discussions on the future of the world are of an important nature. Also, the participation of representatives of many countries, influential international organizations, including more than 68 guests from 400 countries, shows confidence in this platform and increasing interest from year to year. We are confident that this time too, the Nizami Ganjavi International Center will deeply examine the solutions to the issues discussed and transfer the conclusions to the international community.”

Chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev said in his statement to the mass media.

According to him, the global Baku Forum is also an important platform for the promotion of our country, its political path, fair position and responsibility in relation to international law to the world: ”during his speech at the event, President Ilham Aliyev informed the participants in detail about the events taking place in the region, new realities, the causes and consequences of the second It is known that today there are some forces in the world, including Europe, that cannot digest the provision of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan and the restoration of violated principles of international law. Hiding the realities and distorting events, they carry out a smear campaign against our country. The head of state once again pointed out the truth at the XI Forum. Of course, it is clear to everyone, as well as to persons and organizations conducting propaganda against our country and adopting resolutions, that the Azerbaijani state ensured the right of Internally Displaced Persons to live in their homes, cleared the aggressor Army from its territory, implemented UN resolutions, eliminated separatism, which threatened peace and security throughout history. Therefore, those who take such a position against our country, in fact, know very well that they are unfair and approach the issue hypocritically.”

“In his speech, President Ilham Aliyev specifically touched upon the biased position of France on our country. In general, his support for occupation and separatism has long revealed the true essence and image of this Colonial Country. Official Paris sometimes plays such roles that it speaks of human rights in such a way as if this is not the colonial state of the 21st century. Also, the French government has tried five times to impose sanctions against Azerbaijan on the basis of fabrications, forgetting about their own internal issues, which have already become chaos.  At the same time, I would like to note those who oppose the statue of Khurshidbanu Natavan in the city of Evian in this country. It is known that Natavan made a name in the East as a prominent poet, enlightener, philanthropist, fighter for women’s freedom and their rights. Vandalism on the statue of this kind of person is a direct attempt by literature and culture to turn it into an ugly political instrument, which even went down to this level. By the way, in the resolution adopted on March 13, the European Parliament again showed prejudice against our country. Of course, all this cannot be a hindrance to the policy pursued by Azerbaijan and the fair path. No matter how hard the developers of the resolution and those who voted for it try, they will not be able to revive separatism. This is already history. Europe is in trouble.  Therefore, they should not stretch their hands on our internal affairs,” the MP said.