The family of the martyr was visited


The family of Aladdin Saidov, a martyr of the Patriotic War, was visited by the initiative of the Free Trade Union of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

The meeting was attended by Sanan Hasanov, the chairman of Free Trade Union of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Shahla Amirova – the deputy chairwoman, Etibar Garavaliyev, the chairman of the Trade Union of the Republican Seismological Service Center, and Lala Ibrahimova, the scientific secretary of that union. During the visit, the chairman of of Free Trade Union of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Sanan Hasanov, paid his respects to the martyred family of the leadership of the Academy and scientists. He said that the dear memory of our heroes who held the head of our homeland high is always held high by union employees. He emphasized that the brilliant Victory won under the leadership of the victorious Commander-in-Chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev is our glorious history.

The parents of the martyr spoke about the patriotic act and the way of war of our hero.

At the end, the martyr’s family was congratulated on Novruz holiday and a commemorative photo was taken.