The European Parliament has long discredited itself with its paradoxical activity


“The European Parliament has again made meaningless, insignificant and groundless drawings about Azerbaijan on paper. Even those who sit there know that the points about our country in the “annual report on the implementation of the general foreign and security policy” of the Foreign Relations Committee of the institution are white lies. They know very well how dirty they are, how hypocritical and slanderous they are. But despite this, they still cannot stop their actions.”

These views were voiced by Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis.

According to him, the false allegations, calls for sanctions and other such issues in the paper, which are the product of Azerbaijanophobic and Islamophobic thinking, are unfair, so they reveal the inner face of the institution and trample the world’s trust in it: “It shows that this institution is not at all sincere in its activities, stands out for its completely paradoxical activity. Separatism, terrorism, occupation policy is the main threat to peace and security in the world. Azerbaijan solved these problems on its own within the framework of international law. It is completely absurd to stand up and accuse Azerbaijan of these issues, to show disrespect for its territorial integrity and sovereignty.”

“Both the European Parliament and other organizations with the same position should understand that Azerbaijan is not an ordinary state, such pieces of paper cannot affect its justice-based policy. At the same time, they do not have the power to talk with Azerbaijan, which creates new realities, becomes a major voice in the world, and makes important contributions to global security. We are well aware of your power, lack of words, hypocritical activity from the period of occupation of Armenia that lasted for 30 years. But don’t forget that you are about to drown in the swamp of corruption you have fallen into,” said the deputy of the Milli Majlis.