Meetings are held in collectives


The Union of Trade Unions of Agricultural Field Workers holds meetings with trade union activists in member organizations. The chairman of the organization, Fuad Mammadov, got acquainted with the activities of the trade union at the Agrarian Research Center and listened to the report of the work done last year. At the same time, Anar Taghiyev, head of the organization department of the Agrarian Field Workers’ Union, held meetings with the participation of heads of institutions in Jalilabad, Masalli, Yardimli, Lerik, Astara and Lankaran State Agrarian Development Centers. The main purpose of these meetings, which are planned to be held in all member organizations in accordance with the approved activity program of the field trade union organization for 2024, was to get to know the activities of the trade union organization closely, and provided them with practical help in structuring.