Baku hosts international event on protection of labour rights of street and market sellers


On March 11, a meeting of the International Trade Union “StreetNet International” was held in Baku, organized by the Federation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan “Service-ish”.

The event organized to protect labour and social rights of street and market sellers within social dialogue was attended by Lorraine Sibanda, president of “StreetNet International”, Alberto Sontana, vice-president, Jamaladdin Ismayilov, as well as heads and representatives of trade unions from Africa, Asia, America and Eastern Europe covered by the organization.

Speaking at the event, the chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev said that the number of unemployed in the world exceeds 190 million people: “more than 800 million people suffer from hunger and more than 1 billion people suffer from poverty. About two billion people meet their daily needs by working in the field of informal employment. Naturally, the earnings of these individuals make it possible to satisfy their most necessary needs at a minimum level. In addition, they are forced to work in unfavorable working conditions and modes, facing threats, without insurance and without social guarantees to meet these needs.”

The chairman of ATUC said that important steps are being taken to completely eliminate the problem of informal employment in Azerbaijan: “in 2017, a commission on regulation and Coordination of Labor Relations was established in our country. Employees of trade unions also regularly participate in the work of the commission. Also, the Presidential Order adopted the “action plan for the Prevention of informal employment in the Republic of Azerbaijan”. Azerbaijan trade unions have implemented a number of measures and projects in this direction through the International Labour Organization. Great attention is paid to the organization of street trade in our Republic, mainly in markets and specially designated places. For this purpose, along with markets, it is possible to organize fairs for the sale of agricultural goods on weekends and Sundays, to control the storage and sale of products. Further improvement of sanitary and epidemiological situation at markets and fairs, creation of conditions for rest of sellers, allocation of special places strengthen the responsibility of sellers to buyers and allow them to move from informal employment to official self-employment status”.

Sattar Mohbaliyev added that the transition of street traders from informal employment to legal activity should be regulated not only by administrative methods, but also by the use of educational and interest methods, and trade unions can play a big role in this issue: “other means are the development of relevant regulatory documents for the protection of the rights of these persons, I think that at today’s event there will be a useful exchange of views on how street trade is regulated in different countries of the world, problems will be identified and ways to solve them will be determined.”

The president of “Streettet International”Lorraine Sibanda, Vice-President Alberto Sontana and other local and international participants made speeches at the event and made proposals on legalization of street and market sellers ‘ activities, creation of effective working conditions for them, protection of labour and social rights.

The event will last until March 15.

It should be noted that the global international alliance of street, informal market, illegal cross-border traders and traders, “Streettet Internasional” was founded in 2002 in the city of Durban є, South Africa. The organization includes trade unions, associations, formal and informal collectives representing Street and market traders in different countries and protecting their labor rights. Its supreme body is an International Congress consisting of representatives of each member organization and meets every 4 years. The International Council and its executive committee also operate in the organization. Azerbaijan” Xidmət-Iş “Federation of Trade Unions is a member of “Streetlet Internasional”.