A meeting of the Executive Committee of ATUC was held


On March 12, a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC) was held.

The chairman of ATUC, member of the Milli Majlis, Sattar Mohbaliyev, added to the agenda of the meeting the work plan of the Executive Committee and Office of AHIK for the first half of 2024, the statistical report of trade unions for 2023, the analysis of applications and complaints, the results of the training of trade union staff and activists, and education plan for the current year, statistical reports of trade unions sports organizations, gender statistics, as well as consideration of the application of the Union of Agricultural Field Workers Trade Union, as well as other current and organizational issues.

Speeches were made on the issues put on the agenda, opinions and suggestions were voiced, and discussions were held.

It was reported that in 2023, 99.8% of the applications and complaints received by the ATUC Office and member organizations were resolved positively. ATUC has received more than 100 letters of thanks for the timely answers to applications, the attention and care shown.

At the meeting, the heads of the member organizations were advised to objectively and comprehensively examine the letters received from the members of the trade union, to provide assistance in solving the issues raised in exchange for confirming the facts, to increase the responsibilities of the relevant departments or specialists in relation to informing the complainants, and to strengthen the control over the issues of clarifying the reasons for repeated appeals.

It was also emphasized at the meeting that the number of trade union members increased by 0.14% last year compared to 2022. At present, 119 regional tariff agreements concluded with employers, 10,706 collective agreements in state enterprises and 1,761 collective agreements in non-state enterprises are in force.

It was also reported at the meeting that 662 personnel and activists of trade unions attended the courses organized at the Academy of Labor and Social Relations in 2023. In 2024, it is planned to attract 582 people to the courses of the Academy.

At the meeting, the results of the activities carried out during the years 2019-2023 and the plan of activities for the years 2024-2028 were approved at the military high school named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski. It was noted that by the decision of the Executive Committee dated March 30, 2000, the high school was taken into cultural custody. Since that time, the trade unions have been regularly holding events in the military training center that motivate, stimulate and encourage young people to serve the Motherland with dignity. Review-competitions, sports competitions, awarding of excellent cadets, presentation of valuable gifts to the winners have become a tradition.

20 events were held at the high school in 2019-2023 in accordance with the next events plan approved by the decision of the Executive Committee on February 15, 2019. During the events, 269 winners of the competition were presented with cash and valuable gifts. At the end of each academic year, all competition winners were presented diplomas of ATUC and gifts of republican committees in the field in front of personal staff at a solemn meeting.

Later, other issues on the agenda, including current and organizational issues, were discussed and relevant decisions were made.

In the end, ATUC chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev said that all appeals addressed to the trade unions should be thoroughly investigated, the issues raised should be resolved in time in accordance with the legislation, and citizen satisfaction should be fully ensured.

Sattar Mohbaliyev stressed that it is the sacred duty of all of us to be sensitive to the appeals of the families and parents of martyrs and veterans.