The result of the presidential election is the product of the will of our people


“The other day – on February 7, a historic day took place in our country. Our wise people left their glorious stamp on the history of Azerbaijan’s statehood. Together, with solidarity, everyone went to the polling stations and made their historical choice. This time, the people of Azerbaijan voted for development, progress, stability, peace and again showed that they are a perfect and wise nation. The activity of our citizens on the election day reminded me of September 27, 2020. At that time, regardless of age, our people went to the polling stations with the same willingness and enthusiasm as they went to the military commissariats in droves. Look, this is the secret of the successes, victories, unparalleled achievements of the Azerbaijani people – unity and solidarity. The results of the elections show that our citizens see their happy future, prosperous life, the further development of our state, as well as the protection of our statehood and the strengthening of our independence in the continuation of Mr. Ilham Aliyev’s leadership of the country. Of course, our people came to this conclusion after seeing the successes of our country in the last 20 years and the effective results of Heydar Aliyev’s political course.

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.

According to him, the extraordinary presidential elections were engraved in our glorious history with a number of moments and importance: “For the first time in 30 years, we held an election in which our territorial integrity was fully ensured, and this election covered the entire territory of the country. Our former IDP brothers and sisters participated in voting as voters in their homelands. With this, we reaffirmed our territorial integrity and sovereignty and demonstrated it to the whole world. Therefore, these elections will remain forever in our history as a Victory election. Let me note that from the beginning of the election campaign to the end of the process, all work was done within the framework of the law, on democratic principles, and equal opportunities were created for each of the seven candidates. The results of the monitoring conducted by international and local observers and the exit polls confirmed that the elections were conducted objectively and democratically. This is a manifestation of deep-rooted democracy in Azerbaijan.”