The next group of martyrs’ families rested at the Agbulag Recreation Center


With the financial support of the Council of Trade Unions of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and the organization of the “Nakhchivan Martyrs’ Families” public union, 42 people who are members of the martyr’s family have been organized at Agbulag Recreation Center.

They rested in the center for 2 days, took a cable car ride, skied and benefited from the created conditions.

A meeting over tea with the members of the families of the martyrs was also organized in the center.

Gazanfar Abdullayev, Deputy Chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the Council of Trade Unions of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic made a speech and said that during the past period, the Council considered the applications of the families of martyrs, studied their concerns, eliminated the problems they faced, as well as organized their treatment and rest. successful projects have been implemented. He emphasized that this mission is the sacred duty of every Azerbaijani.

Then Mais Gulmammadov, the chairman of “Nakhchivan Martyrs’ Families” Public Union, said that they are grateful for taking care of martyrs’ families, showing them special attention and sensitivity, and taking continuous measures to solve their problems.

At the meeting, appeals and proposals regarding the issues of concern to the families of the martyrs were heard, and relevant tasks were given to solve those issues.

It should be noted that on February 15-16, rest of other martyrs’ families will be organized at Agbulag Recreation Center.

It should be noted that before this – at the initial stage, 54 family members of martyrs rested in the center.