The families of martyrs in Nakhchivan rested at Agbulag Recreation Center


On January 31, with the financial support of the Council of Trade Unions of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and the organization of the “Nakhchivan Martyrs’ Families” public association, a 2-day rest of the martyrs’ families was organized at the Agbulag Recreation Center.

At the initial stage, 54 family members of the martyrs rested in the center, took a cable car ride, skied and benefited from the conditions created for them.

A meeting with the members of the families of the martyrs was also organized in the center. At the meeting held over tea, the dear memory of our martyrs was first remembered with a minute’s silence.

Gazanfar Abdullayev, Deputy Chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the Council of Trade Unions of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, expressed his condolences to the family members of the martyrs and said that every Azerbaijani is proud of their heroic children. He emphasized that during the past period, the Council distributed gifts to the families of martyrs and veterans, provided financial assistance of more than 9 thousand manats. Their families were sent to sanatoriums for health protection and treatment. Also, school supplies were bought for 45 children of martyrs, 2 family members of martyrs and veterans were provided with jobs.

Mais Gulmammadov, chairman of the “Nakhchivan Martyrs’ Families” Public Union, expressed his satisfaction with the attention and care shown to the martyrs’ families by both our state and public institutions, and said that this mission is a sacred duty.

Then the appeals of the families of the martyrs were heard.

It should be noted that on February 5-6 and 13-14, a total of 150 families of martyrs will be rested at Agbulag Recreation Center.