The deputy chairman of ATUC received the young athlete


On January 30, Gazanfar Abdullayev, Deputy Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, Chairman of the Council of Trade Unions of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, received the young athlete Amrah Nagiyev, who won 2 bronze medals at the “40th Winter National Athletics Championship”.

On January 30, Gazanfar Abdullayev, Deputy Chairman of the Azerbaijan  Trade Unions Confederation, Chairman of the Council of Trade Unions of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, received the young athlete Amrah Nagiyev, who won 2 bronze medals at the “40th Winter National Athletics Championship”.

The meeting discussed the sports policy of our country, the special attention of the state to this field, as well as the achievements of our athletes in local and international level sports competitions. G.Abdullayev said that Azerbaijan is known as a sports country in the world and hosts international sports competitions with high professionalism.

Athlete Amrah Nagiyev thanked the country’s leadership for the development of sports and the support shown to athletes. He said that from now on he will work hard to achieve greater achievements, represent our state in international sports arenas and raise our national flag.