The deputy chairman of ATUC met with the members of the “Nakhchivan Martyrs’ Families” Public Union


On January 30, Gazanfar Abdullayev, deputy chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (AHİK), chairman of the Council of Trade Unions of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, met with Mais Gulmammadov, the chairman of the Nakhchivan Martyrs’ Families Public Union, and Asad Alakbarov, the head of the organization’s Organization Department.

Council chairman expressed deep condolences to the relatives of the martyrs and prayed for God’s mercy to the martyrs.

He said that as a continuation of the state policy, families of martyrs and our veterans are always in the spotlight, meetings are organized with them, their social concerns are studied on the spot, and appropriate measures are taken to solve them.

It was emphasized that work will be continued to ensure the participation of family members of our martyrs and veterans in the projects conducted by the Council.

It was noted that with the organization of the Council, on January 31 – February 1, February 5-6 and February 13-14, a total of 150 martyrs’ families will be rested at Agbulag Recreation Center.

The chairman of the public union Mais Gulmammadov and the head of the department Asad Alakbarov highly appreciated the support of our state to the families of martyrs and veterans and noted the activity of public institutions in this direction.

In the end, the Chairman of the Council presented a flag to the office of the Public Union.