PACEs activities are incompatible with human rights


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is also concerned
about Azerbaijans eradication of separatism, elimination of occupation, ensuring
state sovereignty in the entire territory of the country, and restoration of the rights
of more than a million people who were expelled from their homeland. This time,
they are making a pointless and ugly initiative to freeze the voice of Azerbaijan. It
seems that against the background of the new realities created by Azerbaijan, the
veil behind which many countries and organizations hide under the name of human
rights and democracy has begun to fall and their true faces are revealed.
Supposedly, this organization is engaged in the protection of human rights. During
the nearly 30-year-long conflict, Azerbaijan has repeatedly raised the issue of
Armenias occupation policy and expulsion of residents from their homelands. But
like other organizations, PACE was not interested in the violated rights of more
than one million internally displaced persons. He did not raise his voice even once.
They threw everything at the OSCE Minsk group, which went down in history
with its ineffective activity. And thus extending the time, they thought that
Azerbaijan would agree with what happened."
Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation
(ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.
According to him, when examining the activities of PACE, it becomes clear that
this organization has never dealt with human rights, which it declared as its main
function, but only used this principle as a political tool: is position of the
organization towards Azerbaijan was also revealed with political goals. It is also
not a secret to anyone that PACE has become a political toy in whose hands today
and what interests it serves. It should be known to PACE, the European Union, the
European Parliament, the Council of Europe and other such organizations that
whether they want to or not, they will be forced to accept the new realities that
Azerbaijan has brought to the region. Azerbaijan implements a completely
independent policy based on truth and justice. Their empty opinions against
Azerbaijan, their inappropriate initiatives, and their meaningless decisions will
have no consequences. In the same way, British MP Ian Liddell-Granger expressed
this during the discussions at PACE and stated that this step will not have a
positive result and is a wrong decision.
The member of the Milli Majlis noted that PACE and other organizations and
states in the same position should understand the regional and global importance of
Azerbaijan: They should understand that they need Azerbaijan more. Otherwise,
no later regrets will do any good.