A meeting of the Executive Committee of ATUC was held and a statement was adopted


On January 26, a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Confederation of
Trade Unions of Azerbaijan was held.
At the meeting, the Chairman of ATUC, MP of the Milli Majlis, Sattar Mohbaliyev
expressed his opinion on the biased position of the Parliamentary Assembly of the
Council of Europe (PACE) against Azerbaijan.
He linked PACE's failure to approve the credentials of the Azerbaijani delegation
with the institution's insidious intentions. According to the chairman of ATUC,
European deputies have turned the institution they represent into a nest of
corruption by their behavior and serve the interests of limited political forces. He
noted that this position of PACE is not related to human rights, but directly related
to political factors: "This institution is not actually engaged in the performance of
its functions, but rather interferes in the internal affairs of states. He evaluates
processes not as they are, but as he wants. This is due to his biased and hypocritical
Sattar Mohbaliyev stressed that Azerbaijan is a strong state, has an independent
policy, and our society is fully mature and whole. Therefore, some state and
organization do not have the ability to speak threatening language with Azerbaijan.
The members of the Executive Committee, who spoke at the event, condemned the
position of the PACE regarding our country and considered the non-approval of
the credentials of the Azerbaijani delegation as a biased approach. It was stated
that the Council of Europe and its parliament did not bring any success to our
country and did not meet expectations. Therefore, this organization is no longer
important for our country.
Also, the members of the Executive Committee called the decision of the
Azerbaijani delegation to stop cooperation with PACE and participation in the
organization a worthy step and applauded.
In the end, the Executive Committee adopted a statement on the issue.