The path taken by Azerbaijan in the last 20 years is our success story


“The effect of the activity of the person who leads the state directly depends on his professionalism, competence, political skill, as well as his goal. If the people are at the center of the goal, it goes without saying that success will come one after another. At the root of today’s achievements of Azerbaijan is President Ilham Aliyev’s deep love for his people and his consideration of the happiness of his citizens and the development of our state. He was among the people from the day he was elected president for the first time. Mainly during his visits to the regions, he meets with residents, has sincere conversations, listens to their suggestions, and also talks about the work done and to be done for the development of our state. Also, if he visits any enterprise, plant, factory, participates in the opening ceremony, he definitely talks with the workers and is interested in the working conditions. When appointing officials, service to the people is their highest goal. Therefore, President Ilham Aliyev has won the great love and inexhaustible support of our people. A clear example of this is that more than 76 percent of voters in 2003, 88.73 percent in 2008, 84.54 percent in 2013, and 86.02 percent in 2018 voted and showed high confidence in Mr. Ilham Aliyev. “Our President always justifies the trust in him with the unparalleled work he has done in the life of our people and our state, the important decisions he has made and the real steps he has taken.”

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.

According to him, if we look at the path taken by the state of Azerbaijan in the last 20 years, we see development and progress in all fields: “Today, the history of the most developed countries in the world shows that even the path they took in two hundred years, Azerbaijan achieved in twenty years. This, of course, stems from the excellence of Azerbaijan’s development strategy, authored by Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, and its proper application. Mr. Ilham Aliyev’s progressive, national goals-serving activity has revealed an economically strong and independent Azerbaijan, where peace and stability are deeply rooted, and where the central and global positions of the region are high. Looking at the statistics of the last 20 years, we see only growth and development. During these years, the world has repeatedly experienced crises in various fields, and bloody wars have occurred that have a negative impact on the world economy and cause serious consequences. But despite these, the economy of Azerbaijan has acquired an irreversible character and developed continuously. For example, the expenses of the state budget have increased 30 times, if in 2003 the budget expenses per person were less than 150 manats, today this number is more than 3500 manats. As for social protection expenses, the increase in this area is more than 20 times. Also, compared to 2003, the poverty level in 2022 has decreased from 44.7 percent to 5.5 percent, and the average monthly salary has increased from 77.4 manats to 839.4 manats. It is clear from the figures that our state has taken systematic and consistent steps in the direction of improving the social welfare of its citizens. These achievements are the result of President Ilham Aliyev’s completely independent policy, continuous socio-economic reforms and international level projects. The rapid pace of development once again assures that the economy of Azerbaijan, which has faced any economic crisis, will continue to grow in the coming years.”

The chairman of ATUC noted that the democratic reforms authored by President Ilham Aliyev have spread to every area of the country’s life: “Today, all the principles of democracy are manifested in Azerbaijan. People’s rights and freedoms are guaranteed at the highest level. Also, Azerbaijan is a stable country, there is peace, and there is strong solidarity among our citizens. Representatives of all religions and nations live freely and comfortably here. “Azerbaijan has now established itself as an exemplary country of tolerance and multiculturalism in the world.”

“Foreign policy pursued by President Ilham Aliyev with a high-precision transformed Azerbaijan into a large word among the countries and strengthened its international position. Regardless of the topic, Azerbaijan is invited to discussions on regional and international platforms, and the opinions and proposals are listened to the opinions and suggestions of our president, and their speeches are watched with interest by the world community. This shows the world’s place and a personal reputation of Mr. Ilham Aliyev in the world. It is an indicator of 155 Azerbaijan’s support for the UN Security Council, as well as the presidency of 120 state representation in 2019-2023, the indicators of our President’s successful foreign policy. The global initiatives of our president, which promote peace and cooperation between the two countries, is built on the agenda of international organizations. The organization of the meeting on “Strengthening partnerships between the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation” was initiated by President Ilham Aliyev. As a chairman of the Non-Almost Movement, Azerbaijan in December 2020, the UN General Assembly, “Equal to Vaccinations of CovID-19, at a reasonable price, timely and universal accessibility” in the UN He has achieved the adoption, “he said.

Sattar Mohbaliyev noted that the occupation of our lands for many years, our landscaped in the war, the construction of the army, the systematic reforms, planned and sustainable steps took the Azerbaijani army to 50 of the 50est armies in the world. The 44-day Patriotic War, which ended with a bright victory, showed the strength and power of our army to the whole world. In a short period of time, the occupation ended and cleared our lands from the enemy. This is the logical consequence of President Ilham Aliyev’s policy of building army. Also, the liberation of East Zangazur and Karabakh is a masterpiece of our president. This is the change in history, the end of political games in the region, to bury the 200-year-old occupation policy, which is a threat to the security of states and creating new realities. President Ilham Aliyev managed highly skillfully as a strong diplomat and a large war. In September this year, our state’s sovereignty was provided throughout the territory of our country in Karabakh in Karabakh. Currently, both East Zangazur and Karabakh rebuild in a modern style. Agali village, where residents are already inhabited, one of the most modern villages in the world. Construction work is carried out in a planned and fast way. Fuzuli International Airport was built for only eight months, as well as the opening of the Zangilan International Airport. The International Airport is being built on the Lachin. All this indicates the future development of the region. ”

“The road where Azerbaijan went to the last 20 years is the success of our people, we have achieved all the targeted targets. Over the years, President Ilham Aliyev opened the openings of large enterprises and infrastructure projects, creating landscaping work in the whole country and brought a new look to Azerbaijan. Our people have been among the happiest nations in the world. The largest page of our history – Karabakh saga was written. Mr. Ilham Aliyev made the head of our people in the head and his flag. As a nation, we were told to see our flags in Khankendi, the victory parade held there, “Sattar Mohbaliyev said.

“We had another day in December 21 – in the 1/8 finals of the Azerbaijan Cup of Football, the game took place between the MOOC of Agdam” Karabakh “and Baku in Khankendi Stadium. Mr. Ilham Aliyev watched this historical and magnificent match from the Stadium, the main architect of the General Surman and the construction of the construction work in those areas, which liberated the East Zangazur and Karabakh. As we saw this scene, we were very proud, our heart was filled with joy. As I mentioned above, our president was inside the people, and there were children of our martyrs that we always held their names. This proves once again that our state and his leader are always with the family and son of the martyr, “said the chairman of the Confederation.

ATUC chair added that on February 7 – next year we are waiting for the election holiday: “We will go to victory election as a victorious citizen. Of course, as a citizen, we will vote for the development of Azerbaijan, bright and bright future. Our candidate is a tried, reliable and determined leader, the summit of our Azerbaijan is Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who made our people happy and prosperous. We are confident that the more bright tomorrows of our country, the pleasant and beautiful days of our people are still ahead. The full recovery of Karabakh and East Zangazur, placing all residents in their homes, the more dynamic development of our economy, the non-oil sector, transition to the renewable energy, etc. It is waiting for great success. We will be comfortable with the leadership of Mr. Ilham Aliyev. “