The French government is concerned that the righteous voice of the people of New Caledonia has reached the world


“The unsuccessful activity and half-hearted policy of the French President Emmanuel Macron’s administration almost make this country disappear from the eyes of the international community. From the first day he came to power, his country has seen discontent accompanied by police violence, protests have risen, and the social situation has worsened.Being ashamed of these events, instead of dealing with his own internal affairs and being noticed by his people, he pretends to be a great politician and even interferes in the affairs of other countries. Official Paris is the one who is most worried about ending the occupation policy of Armenia.

He is busy casting a shadow on Azerbaijan’s rightful cause, directly following all the principles of international law and openly showing support for occupation and separatism with the feudal thinking of the Middle Ages. Although their opinions against Azerbaijan, the resolutions and decisions they adopted are useless, they are just nauseating.”


Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (AHIK), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.


According to him, France, which does not keep up with modern times and does not respond to the challenges of the 21st century, still cannot give up its colonial claims: “More than that, it keeps the country in colonial slavery, grossly violates human rights there, and makes inappropriate interventions in the internal affairs of the states in its former colonies.

The brutal, illegal attitude shown by the local police in the French colony of New Caledonia against Aygün Hasanova, the employee of AZERTAC, the prevention of her legal activities, and even her expulsion from the country reveal the true face of the French state.

But were you talking about democracy, freedom of speech and expression? You even accused some states for this. What happened now, what are you afraid of? Of course, you are concerned about the freedom struggle of the people of New Caledonia and the voice of truth reaching the world. Illegal prevention of journalist’s free activity and application of information blockade indicate the tension of the situation in this and other colonial countries.

The chairman of ATUC noted that this unpleasant behavior towards the employee of AZERTAC and the limitation of his professional activity with inhumane treatment should be condemned by the world community and condemned by international media organizations.