The development strategy of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev will raise our state to greater heights


“The people of Azerbaijan have always appreciated the place and role of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev in our glorious history. He always remembers his National Leader with respect, both on his birthday and on his memorial day, everyone goes to his grave and prays for his soul. He also preserves his ideas, his rich political heritage, and memorizes sacred sayings in languages. Our grateful people wholeheartedly support his political course and consider it a guarantee of its existence, independence and development. Thanks to its successful continuation, the political strategy authored by the great leader raised our people to the top, carried them from victory to victory, turned our state into a great leader in the world and a leader in the region. The Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan and its member organizations also prepared and successfully implemented an action plan related to the “Year of Heydar Aliyev”.

 These views were voiced by Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (AHIK), member of the Milli Majlis, in his statement to the mass media.

“The statehood strategy of Heydar Aliyev, who built an independent and strong state for his people, is aimed at the successful development of our Azerbaijan. Today, each of us is very proud to be a citizen of the great Azerbaijan, the masterpiece of Heydar Aliyev. When he headed the security body of Soviet Azerbaijan and was the head of the Republic, he lived only with national feelings, worked for the benefit of his people, protected our people from unjustified persecution and created conditions for the development of national consciousness. When Heydar Aliyev was elected the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, the situation in our republic was extremely difficult. Directly under his leadership, Azerbaijan entered the renaissance period from 1970, the incomes of our republic began to increase, the indicators rose. In 1971-75 alone, 55 new large-scale industrial enterprises and 32 new workshops and production areas were opened in working enterprises. Thanks to the determination and personal influence of Heydar Aliyev, a number of strategically important enterprises of the USSR were built in our country. His efforts for the construction of the Baku Household Air Conditioners plant should be especially appreciated. The construction of the factory in Baku was the result of the persistent activity of the genius son of our nation with great patriotism. In this list, we can also mention the current Baku Deep Wool Plant, which is still serving the strengthening of our economy and the well-being of our people,” said the deputy of the Milli Majlis.

Continuing his opinion, Sattar Mohbaliyev said that the appearance of Baku fundamentally changed in those years: “New buildings were built, extensive improvement works were carried out. Improving the housing conditions of the population was one of the important issues that Heydar Aliyev paid attention to. It was during his leadership that 376,100 newly built apartments were given to the population. More than fifteen thousand Azerbaijani students were sent to study at the prestigious universities of the union. I would like to mention that those graduates started serving our country as highly qualified personnel after Azerbaijan became independent and worked for independent Azerbaijan. In general, the Great Leader’s professional leadership of our republic led to his recognition and reputation at the union level. Therefore, at the end of 1982, Heydar Aliyev was appointed the first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. He was known worldwide for his work in that position, his humanitarian position, and his fair and peaceful approach.”

“We are worried when we still remember what happened to our country in the early 90s of the last century. It was a very difficult time, our people faced a severe test. But the wise decision of our people – to bring Heydar Aliyev back to power-saved us from these troubles. Today’s independent, sovereign, prosperous and powerful Azerbaijan is truly a masterpiece of Heydar Aliyev. It is known that the interests of the Azerbaijani state, the improvement of the socio-economic situation of the people and the development of civil society were at the heart of all the political activities of the Great Leader.

In this way, taking into account the activities of the trade unions, the state always took care of them, supported their activities in the direction of protecting the rights and interests of workers, ensuring their interests, and improving their social condition. In 1994, under the personal initiative and direct control of the Great Leader, the Law “On Trade Unions” was adopted in Azerbaijan for the first time in the former post-Soviet space. With this law, a legal basis was created for the regulation of the activities of trade unions in the society based on new principles and active participation in the protection of the socio-economic interests of our citizens”, said the chairman of the ATUC.

He added that the Great Leader, who trusted the Azerbaijan he created to his worthy successor, laid the foundation for the happy future of our country: “Mr. Ilham Aliyev resolutely continued the development strategy of National Leader Heydar Aliyev and turned our country into a powerful country. In the past 20 years, thanks to the wise leadership of Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the country’s economy has taken the path of irreversible development, and Azerbaijan has become the leading state of the South Caucasus in all fields. As a result of his hard work, Azerbaijan regained its territorial integrity, and our nation was recognized as a fighting, and victorious nation in the world. We are happy that we are the owners of our lands, the sovereignty of our state is guaranteed in the entire territory of the country, our holy flag is flying majestically in every corner of our native Motherland – in Shusha, Khankendi, Khojaly, Khojavand, Aghdara, Askeran and other cities and villages freed from occupation.”

Sattar Mohbaliyev emphasized that today the citizens of our country are proud of their country, they are proud of their achievements and successes: “We are sure that our people, who will go to the presidential elections on February 7 next year, will again vote for progress, development and peace. Azerbaijan trade unions highly appreciate President Ilham Aliyev’s services to the people and the state, and wholeheartedly support his policy, which is successfully implemented in all areas. We are sure that thanks to the wise management of President Ilham Aliyev, our state will further develop, our independence will be strengthened, and our people will continue to live a happy and prosperous life.”