IX plenum of the Republican Committee of the Trade Union of Culture Workers was held


On December 15, IX plenum “on protection of social_economic interests of union members and implementation status of charter requirements” was held in City and district committees of Republican Committee of Trade Union of cultural workers. The plenum was opened by the chairman of the Republican Committee Adil Atakishiyev. Before the speech, the memory of our martyrs who died for the freedom of our lands and the late Azer Pasha Nematov, former member of the Presidium of the committee, former director of the Azerbaijan State Academic National Drama Theater, was commemorated with a minute of silence. Later A. Atakishiyev spoke about the activities of trade unions and the successes achieved. He noted that the Trade Union of Turkic states was established in Ankara, Turkey and the chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev was elected the first vice-president. A. Recalling that trade unions were with our state during the Patriotic War, Atakishiyev said that we do not spare assistance to our members in need of care, low-income families, families of martyrs and veterans, and we consider it our duty to be one of the most active initiators in the care of the children of martyrs.

ATUC deputy chairman Hikmet Osmanov welcomed the participants and spoke about the importance of reporting campaigns in all trade unions. ATUM is one of the committees included in the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, whose activities are always highly valued,- he said. Then, H., who also informed about the upcoming congress in the coming days.Osmanov said that during the first 15 days of December, The Trade Union of Turkic states was established. As Adil Muallim noted, the chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev was elected the first vice-president. In addition, at the meeting of the Pan European Regional Council held in Brussels, our chairman was again trusted. A few days ago, The X Congress of all-union unions was held in Moscow, and the chairman of the ATUC Sattar Mohbaliyev once again became the vice-president of the organization. All this proves once again that the activity of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan is highly valued in the international sphere.

Speaking later, Zaur Hamidov of the Republican Committee said that one of the main documents ensuring the success of the trade union’s activities are collective agreements and contracts.  The Republican committee of ATUM has signed collective agreements with its social partners-the Ministry of culture of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Closed Joint-Stock Company “Azerbaijan television and Radio broadcasting” and the State Information Agency of Azerbaijan, aimed at further improving the working conditions, protection and guarantees of socio-economic interests of employees. By the city and district committees of the ATUM, territorial collective agreements were concluded with Regional cultural departments, and enterprises and organizations in service-collective agreements.

In order to strengthen public control and provide methodical and practical assistance, employees of the Republican Committee regularly conduct relevant investigations and inspections on the ground. The head of the office said that a lot of work was done by the city and district committees of the ATUM to improve the socio-economic well – being of members in 2023. Thus, During 2023, the Republican Committee of the ATUM, city and district committees provided financial assistance and food products in the amount of 1069 manats to 156960 people who are members of the Union, participants, veterans, veterans and families of martyrs of the first and second Patriotic War, and 5188 people-low-income union members in the amount of 351719 manats. During 2023, the Republican Committee allocated 675192 manats to 604 sanatorium-treatment and Recreation Centers for 418 people. 328 sanatorium passes were given to the members who applied for treatment and 90 for rest.

In addition, the Republican Committee purchased 354487 trips for 667 people in the amount of 159 manats to the recreation centers and provided them to the union members who applied for family Rest. Compared to 2022, 157 Roadsters for 33 people were additionally purchased.

Telman Azimov, chairman of the ATUM Sabirabad district committee of the Republican Committee, Zohra Adgozalova, Chairman of the Yevlakh district committee, Mirgalam Aliyev, Chairman of the ujar district committee, Sadig Guliyev, Chairman of the Tartar district committee, spoke about the measures taken during the year and the upcoming issues.