“AgroInnoFest” exhibition was held


On December 15, the Agrarian Innovation Center of the Ministry of Agriculture held the Agrarian Innovation Festival in Kurdamir region. Farmers from Kurdamir, Ujar, Hajigabul, Zardab, Imishli and other regions participated in the festival. Technologies and products covering various fields of agriculture were exhibited at the event. The experts of subordinate institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture and other state institutions, representatives of companies operating in the agricultural sector, informed about the best advanced agricultural practices, agrarian insurance, crop and animal husbandry, smart agricultural systems for farmers and farm workers.

Speaking at the official opening of the festival, Fuad Mammadov, Chairman of the Republican Committee of the Trade Union of Agrarian Field Workers, said that the main goal of this festival is to create direct contact between producers and farmers. As a result, farmers grow their farms, increase their income and create new jobs by applying new innovative technologies.

In the end, 3 employees of the Agrarian Innovation Center and the director of the Kurdamir State Agrarian Development Center were presented with an honorary decree by the Field Trade Union Committee, taking into account their effective activities during the year.