A mighty personality who created glorious history


He was a genius…

He was a phenomenal personality, an irreplaceable politician…

He was one of the intelligent, strong-willed, courageous and capable leaders of the century he lived in.

We always remember the dear memory of Heydar Aliyev, the world-famous diplomat who attracted attention with his leadership qualities, who was known as the greatest Azerbaijani in the world, who had the status of the savior leader of the Azerbaijani people. We also have a duty to remember. Because without Heydar Aliyev, not only would there be today the most powerful Azerbaijan in history, there would be no trace of its independence and sovereignty. We were a country that was divided, its lands were completely occupied, and as a vassal state like Armenia, we carried out someone’s orders and orders. They say that God sends a savior to a nation in its difficult and difficult days. When the people believe in that savior and follow him, they find the way to salvation and come out to a bright tomorrow. The people of Azerbaijan also faced the great grace of God, who gave them a genius for salvation – Heydar Aliyev, as a savior when they were facing the most difficult trials. Thanks to the saving mission of the Great Leader, today Azerbaijan is recognized in the world as a distinguished, influential country that ensures its economic independence and conducts a completely independent policy. All these successes are the fruit of the concept of development defined by Heydar Aliyev.

The genius of Heydar Aliyev – the proud yesterday of our history, the bright tomorrow that will be referred to

The National Leader himself, his political activity is a significant event in the history of Azerbaijan. We are also analyzing Azerbaijan’s yesterday, today, and most importantly, tomorrow, in the person of our Great Leader. We talk with gratitude about Heydar Aliyev’s creations, we talk with pride about the achievements achieved today based on his path, and again, it is thanks to him that we determine the real goals of the victories we will win in the future.

The Great Leader Heydar Aliyev is the proud yesterday of our history, the learned today and the bright tomorrow that will always be referred to. In this context, we can say with full confidence that this is the most important symbol of Heydar Aliyev’s uniqueness.

The biography of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev is a biography and an annal of honor of Azerbaijan as a whole. If you look at any success, victory, progress in our country, you will definitely see Heydar Aliyev’s signature and authorship. Azerbaijan and Heydar Aliyev are a whole, an inseparable unity. The life path of the Great Leader, who is etched in memory as a savior leader, a founding leader, a great ideologist, and a history-making personality, is our glorious heritage and a school from which we will always learn.

National Leader Heydar Aliyev has an exceptional and important role in the history of the Azerbaijani people and statehood. The foundation and strengthening of our statehood, the development of our country is directly related to the name of the Great Leader. The genius, who is considered the National Leader of the world’s Azerbaijanis, has always been attached to his homeland, nation, and state with the highest feelings, and spent his life as a candle in the path of the development, prosperity, and progress of this people, the country.

The national leader led Azerbaijan twice. In both periods, his coming to power passed through periods when the country and its citizens lived in a miserable, miserable and difficult situation. The reality of both eras was development, construction, high prosperity, salvation, salvation. Both periods of time covering the years 1969-1982 and 1993-2003, when the genius leader led Azerbaijan, strengthened the foundations of our statehood and formed them so perfectly that it will ensure the successful development of Azerbaijan for many decades, even centuries, safe from external threats. will protect in a way.

Even just the existence of a personality like Great Leader Heydar Aliyev greatly raises the prestige of our country and creates an idea of the great potential of our people.

If we look at the opinions of the world’s well-known socio-political, scientific and cultural figures about Heydar Aliyev, we will witness how happy the people of Azerbaijan really are. Let’s pay attention to some of those ideas: “Heydar Aliyev is a leader known and loved not only in Azerbaijan, but in the entire Turkic world” (Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan); “I am in awe of Heydar Aliyev’s unquestionable leadership, courage, unparalleled outlook and oratorical talent!” (former US President George Bush); “This extraordinary personality led Azerbaijan to the path of prosperity” (former president of France, Jacques Chirac); “The people will only know later how big a role the Heydar Aliyev phenomenon plays in the cause of the independence and freedom of the Caucasus” (former president of Georgia, Eduard Shevardnadze); “Heydar Aliyev is politically strong, logical, intelligent, a person who quickly conveys what he wants – in short, he is an undoubted leader” (Zbigniew Brzezinski); “Heydar Aliyev is really a historical, even legendary personality” (Chingiz Aytmatov).

Looking at these ideas, feelings of pride arise in our hearts once again, the enormity of Heydar Aliyev’s personality comes alive again. The basis of this high award given to the Great Leader of the Azerbaijani people is not only the work he has done for his homeland and people, but also his flexible response to the challenges of his time, his human ideals, and his contributions to friendship, peace and progress in the world. As it can be seen, Great Leader Heydar Aliyev is truly a genius whose greatness is acknowledged and accepted worldwide. As a powerful personality, Heydar Aliyev left a mark not only in the history of Azerbaijan and the region. He is a world historical figure. Heydar Aliyev has actually created a perfect example in the global world with his great works in small Azerbaijan.

A life dedicated to the people and statehood, a school where we will always learn

We once again analyze Azerbaijan’s yesterday, today, and bright tomorrow in the person of National Leader Heydar Aliyev. We talk with gratitude about Heydar Aliyev’s creations, we talk with pride about the achievements achieved today based on his path, and again, it is thanks to him that we determine the real goals of the victories we will win in the future. The Great Leader’s irreplaceable services to the people and state of Azerbaijan cover all stages of his activity. The work carried out during the time when the National Leader led our country both during the USSR and during the years of independence served to increase the power of our republic and achieve historical achievements of Azerbaijan. The stage in which the wise statesman led Azerbaijan during the years of independence is engraved in history as a period of stability and progress. Successful state-building was carried out in Azerbaijan, radical reforms were carried out in all fields. Azerbaijan’s international relations have been developed, and the position of our state in the world has been strengthened. Therefore, the Heydar Aliyev era of our state history is engraved in the memory of the Azerbaijani people and history with the concepts of stability, high prosperity, and renaissance.

In the first period of his leadership in Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev achieved a great leap in the development of socio-economic, scientific-technical and cultural fields in our republic in a short period of time due to his extraordinary management skills, steel will and high patriotism, with his visionary and purposeful decisions. In general, the Great Leader’s political activity can be divided into 3 periods – 1969-1982, 1982-1993 and 1993-2003. Of course, during all the periods of these mentioned dates, the heart of the Great Leader beat with Azerbaijan, he promoted our country at a high level everywhere and always showed his love for his people and country in his actions. During the leadership of Soviet Azerbaijan in the 70s and 80s of the last century, the main goal of the Great Leader was to prepare the country for the upcoming period of independence. He made great sacrifices to achieve this holy goal. The period of the history of Azerbaijan since 1969 is closely connected with the name of Heydar Aliyev and is engraved in our history as the era of Heydar Aliyev. In terms of the future historical destiny of Azerbaijan, the main content of this period is Azerbaijaniism.

The model of tolerance and multiculturalism created by Heydar Aliyev by uniting the representatives of all peoples and different religions living in the country around a single goal – the ideology of Azerbaijanism is one of the best examples in this field in the world.