The SPECA week held in Baku will give a strong impetus to the mutual economic cooperation between the participating countries


“For many years now, regardless of the subject of Azerbaijan, it has become a center where regional and international events, global discussions, negotiations on problems of concern to the world are held, and important decisions regarding the fate of humanity are made. Of course, this is the political stability established in our country, the growing economic power of Azerbaijan, the favorable geographical location, the importance of the initiatives and projects implemented, gaining the status of a reliable partner, as well as the personal reputation of our head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev, his valuable views on the future of the world, related to their contributions to peace and security. Azerbaijan skillfully and exemplary hosts all events, including international sports competitions, and is always appreciated by the world community. We can say with confidence that the wise and far-sighted policy authored by President Ilham Aliyev has elevated Azerbaijan to the ranks of countries that guide global processes and give it a positive direction for the sake of the happy future of the peoples of the world.”

 Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (AHIK), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.

“These days, another remarkable event – UN Special Program for the Economies of Central Asian Countries – SPECA week was organized in our capital.

Yesterday, the Summit dedicated to the 25th anniversary of SPECA was held, the presidents of the member countries and other high-level officials took part in the event. Let me briefly mention that Azerbaijan, the main leading country of the region, is an extremely important partner for the Central Asian states and makes important contributions to the economic development of these countries. As we know, the access of those countries to Europe is generally impossible without Azerbaijan, which has wide transit opportunities. In this direction, I would like to mention the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor. The Middle Corridor, to the effective operation of which our country has made important contributions, is quite useful in global trade as it is a short and convenient route connecting Europe and Asia. “Azerbaijan is performing its duties in an exemplary manner for the successful operation of the Corridor, and is working diligently to increase the volume of cargo transportation in this direction,” said the MP of the Milli Majlis.

“Speaking at the summit, the head of state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, brought to the attention of the participants the successful economic indicators of our country, the realities created in the South Caucasus and its unchanged position. The figures confirmed once again that our country is on the path of sustainable development in economic and other fields, and the indicators are increasing year by year. In the past 20 years, the gross domestic product has increased by 4 times, the budget income by 30 times, and the foreign trade turnover by more than 10 times is a manifestation of the successful economic policy of our state. Indeed, achieving so many achievements in a short period of time is a rare experience among the countries of the world. During these years, there have been successive economic crises in the world. But the correctly defined and implemented economic strategy has allowed Azerbaijan to pass through these crises without being affected”, – said the chairman of ATUC.

Sattar Mohbaliyev expressed confidence that this Summit hosted by Azerbaijan will deepen cooperation between countries that are members of the Program and will open new opportunities in economic relations.