November 12 is Constitution Day in Azerbaijan


On the initiative and leadership of the Great Leader, the first Constitution of independent Azerbaijan was adopted on November 12, 1995. It was an important step and a great achievement on the way to building a democratic and legal state.

The Constitution of Azerbaijan is considered one of the most perfect supreme laws of the modern world, establishing the primacy of human rights and freedoms, political pluralism, and the division of power, based on the basic principles of democracy. All the rights that a person can have, including work, recreation, social security, safe living, education, freedom of conscience, freedom of thought and speech, participation in the management of the state and other rights are reflected in our Constitution, and each article serves the interests of citizens. We can proudly say that with the liberation of Eastern Zangezur and Karabakh from Armenian occupation, the constitutional structure of Azerbaijan was restored. This is a great victory and a historic achievement.

We heartily congratulate all our compatriots on the occasion of the Constitution Day and wish success in the further strengthening and progress of our independent and sovereign state.