Azerbaijan’s place and role in the Turkic world is always highly valued


“When forming the foreign policy strategy of our state, great leader Heydar Aliyev considered relations with the Turkic states a priority and made an important contribution to the rapprochement of brotherly countries. His saying” Turkey and Azerbaijan are one nation, two states ” also played an important role in the unification, establishment and strengthening of the unity of other Turkic states. We can say that these words of our national leader are memorized by the language of the entire Turkic world. As one of the countries that created the Organization of Turkic states, Azerbaijan has always tried to strengthen its unity. We can already say with confidence that the organization has become a full-fledged important side of international politics and a regional power center, providing great support for peace and stability in the world.”

Chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev said in his statement to mass media.

According to him, the brotherly Turkic countries, located in an important geographical location, have very wide economic opportunities and rich energy resources: “they also have important transport routes. This shows that the unity of the Turkic states is also very important for the world economy. Therefore, evaluating these advantages, uniting efforts and strengthening solidarity only led to the strengthening of fraternal countries. In particular, the activities of the organization of Turkic states in recent years confirm that this is the most efficient platform for member states. As practice shows, it is possible to get rid of crises arising against the background of unforeseen events and tensions in the near geographies only together.”

“I consider the 3rd Anniversary Summit held in Astana on November 10 under the call of the Organization of Turkic states” Turkic century ” useful in terms of strengthening cooperation between our countries and strengthening the organization. At the event, President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Jomart Tokayev congratulated President Ilham Aliyev and our people on the restoration of the territorial integrity of our country. He noted the victory as a victory of justice, and Karabakh as an integral part of Azerbaijan. This is a manifestation of unshakable brotherly support, an indicator of solidarity. We also saw that President of friendly and brotherly Uzbekistan Mr. Shavkat Mirziyoyev spoke about Azerbaijan’s achievements under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev and emphasized its place and role in the Turkic world. Indeed, Azerbaijan is among the important countries following the path of sustainable and sustainable development in all areas and effectively uses its potential for the benefit of our state and people. It also plays an important role in the economic development of the countries of the region, has implemented a number of important projects and initiatives in this direction,” the MP said.

The chairman of ATUC also touched on the union between the trade unions of the Turkish states and spoke about its importance: “We met in Shusha in July this year. We agreed on the establishment of the Organization of Trade Unions of the Turkish States and signed an agreement on this. On September 22, the Organization of Trade Unions of Turkic States was founded in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. I believe that, like the Organization of Turkish States, the activity of the Organization of Trade Unions of Turkish States will be useful, will bring our states and peoples closer to each other, and will expand relations in all fields.”