Azerbaijan does not act under the dictates of any state


“Today, November 20, is one of the significant days in the history of Azerbaijan. Thus, the glorious battle of the soldiers and officers of Azerbaijan, which lasted for 44 days, humiliated the aggressor state and its patrons, the Armenian diaspora. Armenia had no choice but to sign the act of capitulation in order to save the ruins of the occupation army destroyed under the feet of the Azerbaijani army. Thus, the enemy was defeated both on the battlefield and at the diplomatic table and forced to return Agdam, Lachin and Kalbajar to Azerbaijan without a single shot. On November 20, the occupied territory of Agdam region was  handed over to Azerbaijan. It was a triumph of the principle and determination of the Supreme Commander-in-chief and decisive leader. Of course, our Army, which liberated Jabrayil, Hadrut, Fuzuli and Shusha by showing great heroism, would liberate those districts as well. But we saved these districts from occupation without any losses, without war and blood.”

Chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev said in his statement to mass media.

According to him, after the liberation, the true face of Armenian brutality was seen in Aghdam: “It was unbelievable, because what was committed here was not compatible with humanity. There were no traces of both the city and the villages of the region. Even foreign and local journalists who came to Aghdam called it the Hiroshima of the Caucasus. In general, Armenia does not accept the concept of international law. Perhaps, there is no other state in the world that violates international law as much as Armenia. For example, this state grossly violated all obligations under the Geneva Conventions, changed geographical names in Aghdam, and completely looted property. I think that after seeing this scene, some state tries to stand up and defend Armenia, it is a disgrace. Today, the situation in Aghdam is different, the district is being rebuilt on the basis of the Master Plan presented to the Azerbaijani public on May 28, 2021. We believe that in the near future the district will return to its former appearance and become one of the most developed areas of our country.”

“Also, I would like to touch upon the discussions held a few days ago in the House of Representatives of the US Congress on the topic of “the future of Nagorno-Karabakh”. The United States behaves as the harbinger of right, justice, and democracy in the world, but in fact, it is hypocritically engaged in using these concepts as a weapon. It is known to everyone that the Karabakh conflict was resolved within the framework of international law, and the concept of  “Nagorno Karabakh” generally does not exist. It is not known what the members of the House of Representatives gathered and talked about, what they wasted their time discussing. Perhaps, because they are located far from the region, the events happening here have not reached them yet. They do not know that the Armenian authorities themselves recognize Karabakh as a part of Azerbaijan. So what are you talking about!?”, said the MP of Milli Majlis.

“We would like to tell the members of the Congress that your problems are not over. The national debt of your country is constantly increasing day by day, racial discrimination is happening, police violence is rampant, the crime situation has become acute, etc. Instead of wasting time on pointless discussions, go and mind your own business. Azerbaijan solved the Karabakh problem on its own, and neither France nor the United States, as co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, managed to do so. What are you worried about now? No matter how funny it is, those who spoke during the hearings said that the USA will not help Azerbaijan. I ask, does Azerbaijan live with the help of some state as Armenia? Remember the pandemic period, Azerbaijan itself helped those who needed help,” Sattar Mohbaliyev emphasized.

The chairman of the ATUC added that the hypocritical and hypocritical policy of the West has long been known to the Azerbaijani people: “what France has committed in Africa is the black spots of world history. Also, no one doubts that the Western scriptwriter of the bloody events in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan. As well as the currently ongoing wars in Eastern Europe, the near and Middle East, were born from their fitva. Therefore, do not behave like an angel. Your biased, provocative steps and deceitful policies will have no effect on Azerbaijan.”