ATUC will take an active part in the activities of the Labor Center of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation


“The establishment of the Labor Center of the organization of Islamic Cooperation and its location in Baku are of great importance for the trade unions of Azerbaijan. The organization of Islamic Cooperation plays an important role in solving the main challenges of the modern era: unemployment, labor protection, staff training, transfer of relations between employers and employees to a legal level, social dialogue with the government and other important problems.”

The chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev said this at the opening session of the Labour Center in Baku within the framework of the 5th Conference of Labour ministers of Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

According to him, the initiative of the head of State Mr. Ilham Aliyev to locate the OIC Labor Center in Baku creates a new platform for the study of Labor Relations and joint solution of problems, unification of labor legislation of different states, strengthening social protection, labor protection, training of personnel, reduction of unemployment and poverty, and interstate dialogue: “This platform should ensure the legal protection of workers, the application of modern standards of labor protection, the simplification and transparency of relations between employers and job seekers, and the more active participation of member states in the process of international division of Labor. The activity of the Labor Center, as stipulated by its charter, should be directed to the creation of a single labor market of Islamic states in the future, the regulation of migrant flows between our countries, the exchange of qualified personnel, the promotion of Islamic culture and values”.

“The Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, which considers the protection of the rights and interests of workers, the provision of decent work and social partnership, sustainable development, and personnel training as priority directions, will closely participate in the activities of the Labor Center. In this regard, based on the close relations between our countries, I propose to hold a joint meeting in Baku to expand relations between trade union centers of our countries, conduct consultations, and form a unified position. As a result, trade unions can also participate in the discussion of the decisions taken by the OIC and contribute to its successful operation. Therefore, the creation of cooperative relations between the Labor Center and us will play an important role in the fulfillment of the tasks set before our organizations and in their more productive activities”, Sattar Mohbaliyev emphasized.