Agricultural Workers ‘ Trade Union awarded a group of agricultural workers


A solemn meeting dedicated to November 1 – Day of Agricultural Workers was held at the Ministry of Agriculture.

Speaking at the event, Minister of Agriculture Majnun Mammadov congratulated the farmers on the occasion of the professional holiday. Minister Majnun Mammadov said that as a result of the political will and hard work of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, serious reforms were carried out in the agrarian field as well as in all fields in our country during the former Soviet period and during the period of independence, and a solid base was created for the sustainable development of agriculture. As a result of the successful agrarian policy founded by the National Leader and currently continued by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the agricultural sector maintains a dynamic pace of development.

Speaking at the event, head of the agrarian and Ecology Department of the Cabinet of Ministers Latif Gasimov noted that during the leadership of the founder of the modern Azerbaijani state, great leader Heydar Aliyev in Azerbaijan, serious successes were achieved in the agrarian sphere, as well as in all spheres, and positive development dynamics in agriculture continues.

The production and export of agricultural products in the country is increasing every year, agriculture is becoming a leading field in the development of the non-oil sector.

Chairman of the agrarian policy committee of the Milli Majlis, deputy of the Milli Majlis Tahir Rzayev spoke about the services of the Great Leader to the people and the state of Azerbaijan.

Later, a group of employees of the Ministry of Agriculture were awarded the Order of Honor by the Trade Union of Agricultural Field Workers for their distinguished service.Speaking at the event, the employees of the Ministry and the farmers expressed their gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev on behalf of the people working in the agrarian sector for his high attention and care.