The Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan and its member organizations addressed an appeal to President Ilham Aliyev



The appeal says:

“Dear President!

Today, all our citizens, as well as every representative of our people, including our compatriots living far from our country, whose Hearts Beat With Love for the motherland, are experiencing the joy of a great victory. The unshakable unity demonstrated by our people, the courage of our Invincible Army, your diplomatic competence and your military skill as the Supreme Commander-in-chief brought us to a brilliant victory, which we have been waiting for many years. With this we left the two hundred years of conflict and the thirty years of war victorious, and Justice found its place. Now, as a people, our heads are upright and our foreheads are open. We are happy that we are the owners of our lands, the sovereignty of our state has been ensured throughout the country, and our Moon-Star, tricolor holy flag flaunts majestically in every point of our homeland – in Shusha, Khankendi, Khojaly, Khojavend, Agdara, Askeran and other liberated cities and villages. Watching this scene makes us both happy and emotional.

We have been able to reach this place not by the passage of time, but by your hard work, tireless and magnificent political activity. As the president, from the first day, you fought for great deeds, high values, unparalleled achievements of our nation and state. You worked for peace in all the negotiations you conducted towards the resolution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, on the way you faced the false claims of the aggressor state, double standards, and weak approaches of the big powers. But with your determination, principledness and steel will, you built a diplomatic barrier in front of them, putting national interests above all else, you did not make any concessions. Also, with the important steps you took, you caused moral and psychological shocks to the enemy and increased the confidence of our people in victory. At the same time, you persistently continued the great leader Heydar Aliyev’s economic policy calculated for distant goals and the strategy of building a perfect army. You have formed such an Army that, under your professional leadership, its heroism in the 44-day Patriotic War became the language of the international community, and the tactics it used became the theoretical and practical teaching of the world’s most prestigious military schools.

Victorious Supreme Commander-In-Chief!

As a result of the recent anti-terrorist measures held in Karabakh, the destruction of the destroyed army of the occupying state, illegal Armenian armed groups were disarmed, separatist forces, the so-called regime surrendered, and the sovereignty of our state was fully ensured throughout the territory of our country. By raising the flag in Khankendi, you buried all the raw dreams of the occupying power and separatist forces, and put the point of the Karabakh chronicle, every page of which you wrote is full of heroism. As a worthy successor to the great leader Heydar Aliyev, you have fulfilled his unfinished dreams and turned Azerbaijan into the most powerful state in its history.

Today we are proud that thanks to your wise leadership, we are citizens of the victorious country, which is progressing day by day, whose glory covers the world, where all manifestations of democracy, political stability and peace are established.

Mr. President!

The Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan and its member organizations, as well as members of trade unions, Unite around you as a monolithic force for strengthening the independence of our country, protecting its sovereignty, further development of our state and the happy future of our people, express solidarity and support your domestic and foreign policy”.

Members of ATUC Executive Committee:


Chairman of ATUC, MP                              Sattar Mohbaliyev

Deputy Chairman of ATUC                          Ilyas Aliyev

Deputy chairman of ATUC                            Agil Dadashov

Deputy Chairman of ATUC                            Javanshir Alkhasov

Deputy chairman of ATUC

President of the Closed Joint-Stock

Company” Kurort”                                           Abil Agasiyev

Deputy chairman of ATUC,

Deputy Chairman of ATUC,

Chairman of the Republican Committee of State

Departments and Public Service Employees Trade Unions          Hikmet Osmanov

Deputy Chairman of ATUC,

Chairman of the Council of Trade Unions of the

Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic                                      Gazanfar Abdullayev

Deputy Chairman of ATUC,

Chairman of the Republican Committee of

Trade Unions of Electrical Power and

Electrical Engineering Industry Workers                                Musa Mirzayev

Chairman of the Republican Committee of

Aviation Workers Trade Unions                                     Mubariz Asadov

Road Transport and Road Management

Chairman of Workers’ Trade Unions                               Huseyn Karimov

Chairman of the Azerbaijan National Academy

of Sciences Employees’ Free Trade Unions                   Habil Gurbanov

Chairman of the Republican Committee of

Municipal Employees Trade Unions                              Muharram Khalilov

Chairman of “Baku Steel Company”

Employees Trade Unions                                                 Asif Abbasov

Chairman of the Republican Committee of

Independent Trade Unions of Railway Workers              Vagif Badalov

Chairman of the Republican Committee of

Maritime Transport Workers Trade Unions                    Samad Allahverdiyev

Chairman of the Republican Committee of the

Ministry of Emergency Situations Employees Trade Unions     Mehman Ismayilov

Chairman of the Customs Workers Trade Union Union              Rovshan Namazov

Vice-president of the Federation of

“Service-Work” Trade Unions                                          Jamaladdin Ismayilov

Chairman of “Construction-Ish” Trade Unions                  Umud Huseynov

Chairman of the Republican Committee of

Water Management Workers Trade Unions                     Akif Mammadov

Chairman of the Federation of “Agriculture-Food-Work”

Trade Unions                                                                       Tofig Guliyev

President of the Federation of Metal

Workers Trade Unions                                                     Bakir Yusifov

Chairman of the Republican Committee of

Culture Workers Trade Unions                                       Adil Atakishiyev

Chairman of the Republican Committee of

Trade Unions of Defense Industry Workers                 Seymur Mahmudov

Chairman of the Metropolitan Workers’ Union            Arif Mardanov

Chairman of the Republican Committee of Oil and

Gas Industry Workers Trade Unions                           Jahangir Aliyev

Chairman of the Republican Committee of

Trade Unions of Transport, Communication and

High Technology Workers of Azerbaijan                    Mushvig Amirov

Chairman of the Republican Committee of

Trade Unions of Entrepreneurship,

Private Science and Light Industry Workers                 Mirkazim Abasov

Chairman of the Republican Committee of

Health Workers Trade Unions                                     Emin Efendiyev

Chairman of the Republican Committee of

Natural Resources and Environmental Workers Trade Unions        Telman Guliyev

First Deputy Chairman of the Republican

Committee of Free Trade Unions of Education Workers               Hümbət Nağıyev



Chairman of the Republican Committee of Trade Unions

of Workers of Local Industrial and Communal

Household Enterprises                                                             Telman Hajiyev