Azerbaijan and Georgia managed to prove the benefits of good neighborly principles


“Azerbaijan is strengthening its position both in the region and in the world by effectively using its favorable geographical location and natural potential, and is constantly increasing its economic power. The role of our country in the region, the global projects authored by it are important for the economic development of neighboring countries, including friendly Georgia. In particular, it should be acknowledged that these projects, initiated by Azerbaijan, also created friendly relations between the participating countries and opened the way for new political and economic cooperation. As we know, Armenia’s long-term occupation policy had a negative impact on the development of the region as a whole. Azerbaijan formed new geopolitical and geoeconomic realities by eliminating the occupation policy of the aggressor state and created new opportunities for the development of the region. Based on these realities, the importance of Azerbaijan for the neighboring countries is clear, it is directly recognized as a guarantor of stability and security.

Chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev said in his statement to mass media.

“I would like to emphasize that the two main states of the South Caucasus – Azerbaijan and Georgia, highly appreciating the importance of their region, have implemented successful large-scale global energy and transport and communication projects within the framework of joint cooperation. Georgia’s transit opportunities have created conditions so that Azerbaijan can deliver energy resources and other cargo to the world market. Today, Azerbaijan-Georgia relations are an example for the world States, in all aspects there is no issue that our states cannot understand. Also, both countries managed to prove the importance and benefits of the principle of good neighborliness within the framework of their relations. According to Statistics, last year alone, the volume of trade turnover between our countries amounted to 771 million US dollars. In January-August of this year, bilateral trade turnover exceeded USD 612.87 million, and the balance of bilateral trade amounted to a positive USD 444 million. In total, 279 million US dollars were invested from Georgia to Azerbaijan and 3.4 billion US dollars from Azerbaijan to Georgia. Of course, these figures are high and reflect the expanding cooperation in this area,” said the chairman of the ATUC.

According to him, the recent visit of the head of State Mr. Ilham Aliyev to fraternal Georgia will certainly make an important contribution to the further development of our relations and deepening of relations in areas of particular importance and mutual interest: “in Tbilisi, President Ilham Aliyev and Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili made statements to the press, highly appreciating the existing relations Important work is underway to expand cooperation between our countries in energy, transport, logistics, railway and other areas. Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili also expressed his support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan. It is known that both countries helped each other on all fronts. By the way, Azerbaijan supported a friendly country by voting in favor of the resolutions adopted at the UN General Assembly sessions on Georgia at different times.”

“During his speech, the head of state touched upon the normalization process between Armenia and Azerbaijan and emphasized its importance for the region. From the very beginning, Azerbaijan continued its peace efforts and supported the negotiations in this direction on various platforms. Of course, the Armenian state must correctly assess the real situation, think about the future of its people and take similar steps. Of course, this is more important for them,” the MP said.

Sattar Mohbaliyev added that mutual visits between Azerbaijan and Georgia organized within the framework of the country’s leaders, discussions, signed documents, as well as work on new projects testify to the future success of our cooperation.