Using the Aghdam-Khankendi road is the next victory of our country


“Historically, the states created by others, not the people themselves, can never live independently, they become a tool in someone’s hands, they have an aggressive character. Of course, the ones who suffer the most from the activities of such non-states are its neighbors. This can be seen clearly if you look at the behavior of Armenia since its existence. This state, established on the historical lands of Azerbaijan, has always been a source of danger in the South Caucasus, causing problems to its neighbors and committing genocides. These factors are at the root of the fact that Armenia still hasn’t come to peace in the 3 years since the end of the 30-year occupation. Despite the steps taken by Azerbaijan towards the normalization of relations, the defeated country refuses to do so, withdraws from the agreements reached, does not fulfill its obligations by causing political and military provocations, and still lives with dreams of occupation. The military provocations committed by the defeated and deserting army of Armenia on the conditional border in recent days are a direct continuation of this.”

 Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, deputy of the Milli Majlis, said these thoughts to mass media.

Due to the fact that Armenia used the Lachin road for illegal military and other dirty purposes, in April of this year, Azerbaijan established a border checkpoint on the road, which functioned normally and in an exemplary manner.Unable to digest this, Armenia used all the blacksmiths, concealing the real situation, carried out false and defamatory propaganda against Azerbaijan, and even went to military provocation. He also tried to confuse the international community by sending a “humanitarian convoy” to the border. He made baseless accusations about the existence of a “blockade” and a “humanitarian crisis” in the region, and staged shows. He unequivocally refused the Aghdam-Khankendi road that we proposed. He thought that he would be able to force Azerbaijan to retreat. But he forgot that Azerbaijan, which won a great military victory on the battlefield, cannot be defeated at the political level. Despite all the efforts of Armenia, the use of the Aghdam-Khankendi road, which we proposed to meet the needs of the Armenian residents of Karabakh, has already become a reality. Azerbaijan proved that this is the territory of Azerbaijan and it decides where the road will pass. Armenia’s pointless and groundless efforts to interfere in Azerbaijan’s internal affairs, like its other claims, will definitely fail. As for the support of its patrons, Azerbaijan has proved that no one can talk to them in the language of pressure in this matter,” said the chairman of ATUC.

Sattar Mohbaliyev added that Armenia’s recent introduction of foreign forces to the region, military provocations on the border, gathering of troops, and “presidential election” games in Khankendi do not bode well for him and he is responsible for the events that will take place.