In the near future, all internally displaced children will go to school in their homeland


“Students are entering the new school year. We believe that, as in previous years, the students will deeply master the subjects taught in this academic year, will further increase their knowledge, and will effectively use the conditions created for them to get a comprehensive education and grow up as worthy children of our Motherland. Today, a number of projects and state programs are successfully implemented in our country to increase children’s interest in education, to identify talented and capable children, to develop their potential, to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. It is as a result of this that the indicators of our students increase year by year, they gain great achievements in subject Olympiads organized in our country, as well as in international knowledge competitions.”

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation   of, deputy of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views in a press release.

According to him, education is one of the areas that the head of our state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, pays special attention to: “As a result of the reforms carried out in the direction of the development of pre-school, general and higher education in our country under the leadership of our President, the teaching and learning work has been further improved, and education has been adapted to the requirements of the modern era. . Today, in all parts of our country, including East Zangezur and Karabakh, which have been freed from occupation, the process of fundamental renovation of educational institutions, construction of new school buildings and kindergartens is being successfully continued and equipped with the necessary equipment.

“The service of our dear teachers in the education and upbringing of children, in their education in the spirit of knowledge and national patriotism, in their upbringing in a healthy and useful mood for our society and state, is undeniable. They spend their meaningful and honorable lives on this path. The activity of teachers is always highly appreciated by our state, important steps are taken in the direction of increasing their salaries, strengthening their social protection, and decrees are issued on awarding educational workers with honorary titles. Among the large-scale programs and projects initiated by the First Vice-President of Azerbaijan, Mehriban Aliyeva, the development, modernization, and integration of our country’s education system into the world education system occupy an important place. The Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s “New School for a Renewing Azerbaijan” program should be specially mentioned. As a result of the launch of this program, over the past years, thousands of schools in our country have been overhauled or rebuilt.”

The chairman of the ATUC added that life is already reviving in our liberated territories, children returning to their ancestral home have begun to study at their schools: “this academic year there are students who go to school in their homeland for the first time. This makes each of us happy. We believe that in the near future all our internally displaced children will return to their homeland and continue their education there.”