Holy Supreme reverence


September 27 is the day of pride. It is the day of the beginning of the 44-day Patriotic War, which led to our historical victory, and the Memorial Day of our brave and heroic sons who put an end to our 30-year longing in this holy war at the cost of their lives and blood.

It is true that our people celebrate these holy days every year as a day of celebration of national will, national spirit and dignity. But in 2023, that is, on the third anniversary of the beginning of the war, it is the greatest blessing that we celebrate this dear day as citizens of a country that has fully secured the sovereignty of its territory.

Our nation is always proud of our heroes who gave us this Glorious Victory.

The success story of the state that trampled the rights for 30 years.

This war and the victory won are a real embodiment of the determination and struggle of a state that has been subjected to double standards for 30 years.

For exactly 30 years, the world was dumb and blind in front of the facts of Azerbaijan.

The Great Leader Heydar Aliyev and the most worthy follower of his political school, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who resisted Armenian lies and slanders of anti-Azerbaijani networks, conveyed our true voice to the world with their diplomacy and introduced Armenia as an occupying state.

With foresight and wisdom, National Leader Heydar Aliyev did great things for the comprehensive development of Azerbaijan, strengthening its political and economic independence, and created sound foundations. President Ilham Aliyev, who successfully continued this strategy, turned Azerbaijan into the most powerful state in history as a powerful leader of the new century.

With the help of the irreplaceable services of President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Aliyeva, the world community began to turn Armenia into a terrorist state and occupy the lands of Azerbaijan. As a world-famous leader, Mr. Ilham Aliyev was invited to all international gatherings, he exposed the policy of the occupying Armenia and silenced the slanders of the anti-Azerbaijani network.

Thanks to the diplomacy conducted by Mr. Ilham Aliyev and Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, resolutions, statements, and documents confirming that Armenia is an occupying state were accepted by world states and international organizations. The 4 resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council, which is the world’s largest political organization, on the withdrawal of the occupying army of Armenia from the lands of Azerbaijan, remained unimplemented.

However, this supreme institution, which ensures the implementation of some document accepted in favor of other countries, was silent when it came to Azerbaijan. In other words, the resolution he adopted was dusted in the archive for 27 years. The former Minsk group of the OSCE, which was created for the peaceful settlement of the conflict, did everything in its power to maintain the status quo, which no longer exists and harms Armenia.

The occupying state, taking advantage of this impunity, became even more enthusiastic and committed countless provocations against Azerbaijan.

President Ilham Aliyev, who turned Azerbaijan into one of the most powerful states in the world politically, economically and militarily, ensured the implementation of UN resolutions with the strength of his powerful army and the skill of a military leader.Thus, Mr. Ilham Aliyev put an end to the dream of” Great Armenia”.

The road to great victory

President Ilham Aliyev declared the importance of economic power first of all for the restoration of the territorial integrity of the country. After that, as a result of the correct strategy and purposeful policy, Azerbaijan began to gain strength, economic independence was ensured, Azerbaijan became a modern state economically independent of anyone, any country, any international financial institution, and created a very rare development model for the world.

The economic rise of the country also led to a change in the construction of the army, the arsenal of the Azerbaijan Army was strengthened with the most modern weapons and military equipment, the knowledge and skills of the military personnel were increased, and important steps were taken to improve their social protection and working conditions. The defense industry of Azerbaijan was developed, the major part of the internal demand of the army was met by the production of our country. Azerbaijan began to produce more than 1,000 military products and became an exporter of the most modern weapons. The high combat capability of the Azerbaijani Army was demonstrated to the whole world in military parades held many times in Azadlig Square.

The people of Azerbaijan did not come to terms with the occupation during the past 30 years and showed unwavering determination to restore territorial integrity. All these factors fully determined the absolute Victory of Azerbaijan, and its achievement became a matter of time. Azerbaijan repeatedly called Armenia to return from our occupied territories. However, Armenia not only ignored these calls, on the contrary, it was encouraged to occupy the new lands of Azerbaijan and chose the path of successive military provocations.

In July 2020, Armenia committed another military provocation in the Tovuz direction of the state border with Azerbaijan. This time, the Azerbaijani Army delivered a crushing blow to the enemy and gave him a worthy response. The heroic martyrdom of Major General Polad Hashimov, Colonel Ilgar Mirzayev and several other officers in these battles showed once again that Azerbaijan’s generals and other high-ranking officers fight side by side with their soldiers.

 Patriotic war – restoration of justice

The Tovuz battles were the spark of the 44-day Patriotic War. On September 27, 2020, a counter-attack operation was launched in response to Armenia’s launching of another large-scale military operation, Azerbaijani Army positions and civilian settlements. During the 44-day Patriotic War, President, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev made regular appeals to the people. These appeals raised the people of Azerbaijan, united them tightly like a fist, and had a strong impact on the course and fate of the war. Each appeal became a prelude to further victories.

On November 8, we celebrated our glorious victory with the liberation of Shusha.

On November 10, Armenia committed itself by signing the act of capitulation. If our victory in the 44-day war is the result of Mr. Ilham Aliyev’s skill as a commander, then the clearing of Agdam, Lachin and Kalbajar from the enemy without firing a shot is a celebration of the diplomatic skills of the President of Azerbaijan.

Restoration of Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur, invaluable services of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation

After the end of the war, the President of Azerbaijan signed a document on the establishment of Karabakh and East Zangezur economic regions, and construction works began on our lands freed from occupation. Azerbaijan started the implementation of the Great Return program only with its own economic power, that is, without receiving financial assistance from any international organization.

The allocation of funds in the amount of 5 billion 260 million manats for the implementation of projects in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur in 2023 alone is a reality that confirms this.

In the past 3 years, all infrastructures have been built in our territories freed from occupation, and the return of our former IDPs to their native places has been started.

Today, the restoration processes of our historical, religious and cultural monuments in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur are also being continued. In this process, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation headed by the First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva should be specially emphasized – the irreplaceable projects – the mission of returning our cultural and religious heritage to the people. According to Mehriban Aliyeva’s instructions, our religious monuments and mosques, which were in the hands of the enemy for nearly 30 years, were destroyed, destroyed, insulted, were brought back to life and the processes in this direction are still being continued.

In general, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation has been implementing projects and programs covering various fields in Azerbaijan since the first day of its operation. The activity of the fund in the direction of preservation and restoration of historical, cultural and religious monuments is appreciated by everyone. Today, we can say with pride that the Heydar Aliyev Foundation makes a great contribution to our history by restoring our religious monuments and mosques, which are the national wealth of the Azerbaijani people, in the lands of ancient Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur.

“Revenge”, “Resolute response”, 23-hour anti-terrorist measures that fully ensure sovereignty

The reconstruction work in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur was still a serious concern for Armenia and its patrons. The remnants of the illegal criminal regime in Karabakh regularly provoked Azerbaijan into a new war by causing military provocations.

But in every provocation of the Armenians, the Azerbaijani Army gave a worthy response to the enemy. This is also confirmed by the successful results of “Revenge” and “Resolute Response” operations. The regular provocations of the regime, which armed itself again with the support of its fans and held “elections” to the so-called institution in Khankendi, forced Azerbaijan to take anti-terrorist measures in its own land.

On April 23 of this year, the state of Azerbaijan established a border crossing point in Lachin district.

As President Ilham Aliyev said, April 23 meant the complete restoration of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity.

On September 19, the separatists in Karabakh again provoked and as a result of mine terrorism, police officers and civilians were killed. Therefore, the Azerbaijani Army started anti-terrorist measures against the separatist forces. Criminal gangs were hit hard. True, after the 44-day war, Azerbaijan regained its territorial integrity, but as a result of 23-hour anti-terrorist measures, sovereignty was fully restored in all territories. Azerbaijan achieved all its goals, all communications, roads, heights were taken under control.

Powerful Azerbaijan, which demonstrated its strength in the Second Karabakh War, has once again shown that it will not allow the creation of a “gray zone” in its sovereign territories with successful one-day anti-terrorist measures. With this victory, Azerbaijan also accepted all its conditions and will have full control over its territory from now on. With this operation, the illegal criminal regime was disarmed for just one day and declared its readiness to negotiate in the city of Yevlakh under the white flag, accepting the conditions of Azerbaijan. A day later, a meeting was held with the representatives of the central government of Azerbaijan and representatives of the Armenian residents of the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, and this was a positive impetus to the process of signing peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan. By sending humanitarian aid to the Armenian residents of Karabakh, Azerbaijan once again demonstrated its humanitarian policy and peace to the world.

AHIK mobilized to call the president

During these anti-terrorist measures, the brave sons of Azerbaijan rose to the height of martyrdom. They wrote their names in history as heroes who fully ensured Azerbaijan’s sovereignty at the cost of their lives.

In general, the people and state of Azerbaijan always cherish the bright memory of their heroic children who died for the Motherland, remember them with special respect, appreciate the work of veterans and are proud of them.

As a sign of deep respect for our soldiers and officers who spared their lives on this road, and all our martyrs, President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on celebrating September 27 – the day of the beginning of the Patriotic War – as Memorial Day in our country. This is a sign of the highest respect for the souls of martyrs and their relatives. Martyrs have the highest place in our society. Both our state and society give them the price they deserve. Families of martyrs, veterans and veterans are covered by comprehensive state care.

Even during the course of the war, President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva visited the hospital with parental care, met with our wounded soldiers, talked with them, and were interested in the treatment conditions.

At the call of the President and Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, the process of providing decent services to the families of martyrs and our veterans continues today. If we look at the measures taken by the Confederation of Azerbaijan Trade Unions and its member organizations, we will see that AHIK and its member organizations spent 15 million 890 thousand 160 manats during the Patriotic War and after it. In particular, during the Patriotic War, 1 million 41 thousand 890 manats were donated to the Azerbaijan Armed Forces Assistance Fund by AHIK and its member organizations by the decisions of the Executive Committee.

250 thousand manats to the Council of Trade Unions of the autonomous republic, 1 million 240 thousand 170 manats to the Karabakh Revival Fund, 2 million 329 thousand 954 manats to the Armed Forces and the frontline region, in order to help the families of martyrs living in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic who died heroically as a result of the battles, “YASHAT” 680 thousand 876 manats were donated to the fund. One-time assistance of 4 million 624 thousand 163 manats was provided to the families of martyrs and veterans.

347 children of 202 martyrs were adopted by AHIK. In particular, each of the 41 minor children of the 23 martyrs of the April 2016 and 2020 Tovuz battles is being paid monthly until they reach the age of 18. During the 6 months of 2022-2023, 2456 departures were given to the families of martyrs and veterans by field trade unions. In addition, 357,000 AZN was allocated for the treatment and recreation of 400 people who became disabled while performing their military duties or as a result of actual military service in sanatorium-resort institutions.

So far, AHIK has sent a caravan full of food to 46,465 low-income families, including families of martyrs and veterans. About 3.7 million manats were spent for this purpose. This includes Nakhchivan.

Providing special care to the families of veterans and martyrs is a priority of the state. All veterans and families of martyrs who are in need are being provided with necessary assistance by the state. The most modern prostheses were ordered for our veterans who lost their hands and arms during the war. Until now, more than 10,000 families of martyrs and war disabled people have been provided with apartments by the state.

Apartments are given to the families of both the First and Second Karabakh war martyrs. More than 7,000 cars were presented to war disabled people. About 75 million funds have been collected by the “YASHAT” Fund, which was created for the realization of civil society initiatives in the field of providing additional support to measures implemented by the state in the field of social protection of families of martyrs and persons identified as disabled as a result of military operations, and these funds continue to be spent in relevant directions. Azerbaijan can be considered a global example for the attention paid to the families of martyrs.

Celebration days of freedom, historical luck

September 27 is the Day of Remembrance, when we honor the souls of our martyrs.

After that, every year August 26 – Lachin City Day, October 4 – Jabrayil City Day, October 17 – Fuzuli City Day, October 20 – Zangilan City Day, October 25 – Gubadli City Day, November 8 – Shusha City Day, November 20 – Aghdam City Day, November 25 – will be solemnly celebrated as Kalbajar City Day.

This is the reality created by our glorious victory. Our people will no longer celebrate the painful and languishing days of the occupation of our lands, but Happy Holidays by sharing with each other the joy of the liberation dates.

Addressing the nation on September 20, President Ilham Aliyev once again stated that Azerbaijan fully secured its sovereignty and created a new historical chance for our Armenian residents living in Karabakh. Don’t miss that chance. It is a proposal based on logic, historical justice, international law, future development and calculated on future development. Either they should accept Azerbaijani citizenship and live in the territory of our country, or they should leave these lands once and for all. The choice is theirs.