The socio-economic indicators of our country have increased in the past 6 months


“The indicators of our country, which is progressing through sustainable development, are increasing year by year in all fields. The implemented reforms, the steps taken in the direction of further improvement of the socio-economic situation of our citizens, the work done on the development of the non-oil sector are giving their positive results.This is confirmed by the figures announced at the meeting dedicated to the socio-economic results of the six months of 2023 under the chairmanship of President Ilham Aliyev.  The goals set for the last six months have been achieved.So, as in previous times, sustainable development was ensured in our country, the non-oil sector grew, unprecedented reconstruction and construction works in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur were widespread, consistent and systematic reforms were implemented in the economic and social spheres, and successes are evident. Also, the financial capabilities of our country have expanded, which is related to the successful outcome of the reforms carried out in the relevant field and ensuring transparency. Also, the fact that the budget of our state exceeds 36 billion manats is an indicator of the economic power of our country.”

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (AHIK), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.

According to him, the quick recovery of our territories freed from occupation and increasing the defense power of our country is one of the priority areas defined by our state: “Increasing budget revenues has made it possible to carry out work in this direction more quickly and successfully.The result of the work done in a short period of time is that life is coming to life in Eastern Zangezur and Karabakh, and the process of returning residents to their ancestral homeland has begun. Carrying out construction works there, establishing modern cities and villages, creating infrastructure, of course, shows the economic power of Azerbaijan, and our state carries out all these works only at the expense of its own financial resources, without any external help. As for the military power of our country, it is certainly not negotiable. Because the international world witnessed this during the 44-day Patriotic War. Even after the war, Azerbaijan paid more attention to its military potential. Thanks to the special care of Commander-in-Chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the combat capability of the Army has increased in recent years, and its material and technical base has been significantly strengthened. Commando military units with flexible and fast maneuverability, capable of successfully performing combat tasks in high mountains and difficult conditions have been created.All these measures are taken only for the purpose of protection. As we know, extremely complex processes are taking place in the world, the principles of international law are not respected. We also experienced this in our own lives during the 30-year occupation. Therefore, for the reliable guarantee of our independence and territorial integrity, our Army must be even stronger, and this is so.”

“During the meeting, our head of state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, touched upon the environmental issue and gave specific tasks.


Of course, this is quite an actual issue, and environmental problems are among the most worrying points in the world.

During the occupation period, the ecological terror committed by Armenia in East Zangezur and Karabakh was terrifying. Forests were cut down, rivers were polluted.

As our President stated, more than 60 thousand hectares of forest fund were destroyed by Armenians in those areas.Even today, Armenia violates the ecological balance in its territories close to Azerbaijan, ignores the provisions of international law in this area, and builds enterprises that pollute rivers and nature. Endangering the environment is a crime against humanity in general, and Armenia should stop doing this,” said the member of the Milli Majlis.

Sattar Mohbaliyev said that during the meeting held by our head of state, he showed his place to those who are thinking of disrupting the unshakable stability established in our country and declared that chaos, arbitrariness and provocative steps in Azerbaijan ended in 1993: “This means that no one  can disturb the stability and peace prevailing in Azerbaijan. Our citizens live a happy and prosperous life, closely united around their state. Of course, selfless work of Azerbaijan police in these achievements is undeniable.

Day and night, they faithfully fulfill the security of our state and people, stand faithfully on the guard of the law and resolutely fight against crime, perform their functions in the field of protecting the legal interests, rights and freedoms of citizens with high professionalism. We can proudly say that today the Azerbaijani police is the most exemplary police in the world.”The chairman of AHIK emphasized that the socio-economic results of the first half of the year assured us that our state will end 2023 with great success, indicators will rise in all areas, and the economic opportunities of our country will increase even more.