New pages are opening in cooperation between Azerbaijan and Albania


“Constantly strengthening its positions in the system of international relations with its positive image, Azerbaijan is expanding its relations with various states, as well as with regional and international organizations. Realizing both the economic power of our country and the importance of the projects it initiates and implements, the countries of the world take special interest in our country and try to develop their relations. Among the other factors determining this is the establishment of strong and unshakable stability in our country and Azerbaijan gaining the name of a reliable partner. Of course, the achievement of these achievements is directly related to the name of the head of our state Mr. Ilham Aliyev. Despite the complex and tense processes going on in the world, thanks to the wise management of Mr. Ilham Aliyev, our country occupies a unique place in the international world with its independent and balanced foreign policy. We can say with certainty that today there is such an Azerbaijan in the world geography that it is in the list of the most important countries in the literal sense of the word.

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.

According to him, relations with Central and Eastern European countries, including Albania, constitute one of the priority areas of Azerbaijan’s foreign policy: “Political dialogue and mutual cooperation between this country and Azerbaijan have always developed on a rising line. Organized mutual official visits and signed documents further expanded relations between the two countries. The visit of President Ilham Aliyev to Albania last year, as well as the official visit of this country’s President Bayram Begay to Azerbaijan, are important in terms of the development of bilateral and multilateral relations and the strengthening of cooperation in areas of mutual interest. Until now, if the main part of the cooperation was the energy field, deepening the cooperation in other fields is one of the topics of discussion.”

“Azerbaijan, which has made important contributions to Europe’s energy security, successfully cooperated with Albania in the implementation of the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline. Of course, this project has brought all regional states, including Azerbaijan and Albania, closer to each other. In the meeting held between Mr. Bayram Begay and the President of Azerbaijan, issues of joint activity, commercial, economic and investment were discussed within the framework of international organizations. Investing in tourism and agriculture was also considered. We believe that all this will bring the relations to a new level and further increase the economic opportunities of both countries”, said the MP of the Milli Majlis.