Groundless claims of the Armenian side are not the subject of discussion at the negotiating table


The unchanging position of the Azerbaijani side in the negotiations conducted even during the occupation is known to everyone. At that time, the head of our state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, repeatedly declared that we are not going to compromise even an inch of our land. The proceedings showed that all attempts of Armenia and its patrons failed thanks to the strong diplomatic skills and determination of our President. The position displayed by Azerbaijan, which liberated its occupied lands by winning a brilliant victory over Armenia on the battlefield, is based on peace and stability, and the negotiations conducted in all formats reflect the interests of our state.Azerbaijan, the founder of new realities in the region, maintains its superiority as the winning party at the negotiating table. All the dirty plans of the aggressor state and pro-Armenian forces against Azerbaijan have evaporated and disappeared.There are no other ways but to accept the realities that Azerbaijan has brought to the region.”

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (AHIK), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media. According to him, the results of the tripartite meeting between the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Council of the European Union Charles Michel and the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan held in Brussels on July 15 once again confirmed that Azerbaijan is the winning side and its proposals are the basis of the negotiation table: “This Armenia recognized the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan at the last meeting.

So, they once again admitted that Karabakh belongs to Azerbaijan. This includes our enclave villages. Also, commitment to the “Alma-Ata Declaration” was shown as a political framework for delimitation.

This directly coincides with the interests of Azerbaijan. Another issue is related to the opening of communications.We see that all the maneuvers of the Armenian side against the opening of the Zangezur corridor are headed for failure, and Azerbaijan insists on this matter.Also, the European Union understands the importance of opening the corridor and does not hide its confidence that it will be effective for the economic development of the region.”

The chairman of the AHIK noted that in general, the issues discussed at the 6th meeting organized in Brussels and the conclusions reached fully meet the interests of Azerbaijan, it is the next diplomatic victory of our country under the leadership of our head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev: “We see that the false and groundless allegations voiced by the Armenian side are not brought to the table and are not discussed. International and regional organizations, as well as the world’s leading countries, realize that Azerbaijan’s position is based on justice and support peace efforts.It is known that the goal of Azerbaijan is to ensure sustainable peace and security in the region. “The only way out of the political and economic crisis that Armenia is in is through peace with Azerbaijan.”