France has no right to talk about democracy


“Media freedom is one of the main indicators of democracy in every country. Countries that consider themselves democratic should create all conditions for the free activity of media representatives. But the fact that the employees of “Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting” CJSC faced violence while filming in France and were threatened shows the level of media freedom in this country. It proves that freedom of press and speech is completely stifled in France, journalists are absolutely not allowed to carry out their professional activities freely. Of course, the French government is responsible for investigating the incident, making an objective assessment of what happened, and bringing the culprits to justice. But it would be at least naive to expect such courage from official Paris. Meanwhile, organizations such as “Reporters Without Borders” and “Freedom House” do not speak out, as if they are not aware of this shameful incident. Currently, for obvious reasons, the eyes of the world community are on France. But where are these organizations looking?! Why don’t they react to the brutality committed against Azerbaijani journalists!?”

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.

“We can say without hesitation that human rights are completely trampled on in France, and unpleasant events are taking place on the basis of ethnic discrimination. It can be said that the country is in turmoil as a result of the incompetent and undemocratic activities of the authorities. The killing of a 17-year-old Algerian youth by the police in the city of Nanter is, of course, a national issue. He was killed because he was a non-national and shows the true face of the French authorities. This is not surprising. We know from the history how France has taken the Algerian couch. Apparently, this policy continues today. The harsh intervention of the police in the rightful discontent of the population, injuries with batons, and arrests also show that the right to free assembly is restricted in this country, contrary to democracy. Official Paris, which for many years has slandered human rights, interfered in the internal affairs of other countries by holding democracy in hand, and interpreted it as anti-democratic as soon as it saw a gap, I wonder if it will continue this act shamelessly in the future!?

“Recently, the most unsuccessful president in the history of France, Emanuel Macron, again made inappropriate comments against Azerbaijan at a meeting with the Armenian community in Marseille. He tried to pretend that he had the power to influence the events taking place in the South Caucasus. The interesting part of his speech was that he was completely unaware of the events. He does not know what stage the negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia are at, but he makes meaningless statements. The Armenian side has already recognized the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and acknowledged that Karabakh is an integral part of our country. That’s why such biased approaches of Macron cannot change the reality,” the ATUC chairman emphasized.

Sattar Mohbaliyev added that currently France is about to completely lose its prestige in the world, because of the events happening there, this country has no right to talk about human rights, freedom of speech and press, the right to free assembly, or democracy in general.