ATUC Chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev met with his Kazakh counterpart


On July 17, Chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev met with Chairman of Kazakhstan Trade Unions Federation (KTUF) Satybaldı Dauletalin.

At the meeting, friendly and fraternal relations between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, as well as existing relations between the relevant bodies of the two countries, the work done to further strengthen cooperation and the forthcoming tasks were discussed.

Speaking about the activities of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, the chairman of ATUC said that trade unions play an important role in the implementation of the social policy of our country and adequately respond to all the calls of the state, including socially oriented proposals.

It was noted that today trade unions in Azerbaijan, as defenders of the rights of our citizens involved in the labor process, conduct more consistent and purposeful work using new methods and tools in the field of adapting working conditions to modern standards, solving social problems and ensuring labor rights in all enterprises operating in our country.

Sattar Mohbaliyev also emphasized the importance of the organization of Turkic-speaking states and said that this is a great contribution to the expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation and solidarity between these countries: “We can proudly say that the Organization of Turkic States has already become a regional power center and the opportunities to influence international political processes are increasing. The initiative of the trade unions of Turkic-speaking countries to unite their efforts in the direction of protecting the labor rights of our citizens and hold joint discussions in this direction is already being realized. In the near days, it is planned to create an institution that will unite the trade unions of Turkic-speaking countries. We believe that the establishment of such an institution will open new pages in our cooperation and strengthen our relations.

Satibaldi Dauletalin, the chairman of the KTUF, who thanked for the warm reception, gave detailed information about the work done by the trade unions of Kazakhstan. He expressed his satisfaction with the continuous development of relations between the trade unions of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, and emphasized the importance of organized mutual visits and exchanges of experience and ideas. It was stated that efforts will be made to further develop these relations in the future.

At the same time, Satybaldı Dauletalin thanked Sattar Mohbaliyev for his comprehensive support in restoring GTUF’s membership in the International Confederation of Trade Unions.

During the meeting, the sides also exchanged views on other issues of mutual interest.