A joint meeting of ATUC and TURK-ISH was held in Baku



The leadership and representatives of the Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan, the Confederation of Trade Unions of Turkey (TURK-ISH), the Federation of Trade Unions of Kyrgyzstan and the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan are on a visit to Baku.

On July 28, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev and heads of Trade Unions of Turkic-speaking states came to the alley of Honor and paid tribute to the memory of National Leader of our people, architect and founder of the Azerbaijani state Heydar Aliyev and laid flowers at his grave. Then the memory of the Great Leader’s lifelong friend, prominent ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva was honored. Flowers were also laid on the graves of prominent statesman Aziz Aliyev and well-known doctor-scientist Tamerlan Aliyev.

Later, the representatives who came to the Alley of Martyrs paid their respects to the memory of the sons of the Motherland, who died for the independence and territorial integrity of our country, and laid flowers on their graves.

The guests were informed about the construction work carried out in the capital, taking a view of the city from the highest peak of Baku.

The guests also visited the monument “Turkish martyrdom”, erected in memory of the Turkish soldiers who died in the battles for the liberation of Baku in 1918. Flowers were laid in front of the monument and the memory of the Turkish martyrs was paid tribute.

Then a mobile meeting of the board of the Turkish-is Confederation chaired by Ergun Atalay was held at the” Fairmont Baku ” hotel. Organizational issues were considered and relevant decisions were made at the meeting. The reports of the heads of Turk-is member organizations on the work done over the past period were also heard and the future action plan was discussed.

Then a joint meeting of ATUC and Turk-is was organized in the same place.

The memory of our sons and daughters who were martyred for our homeland, as well as people who died as a result of the earthquake in Turkey this year, was remembered with a minute of silence.

Speaking at the event, ATUC chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev spoke about the fraternal relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey, as well as the relations between the trade unions of the two countries, the work done to further strengthen cooperation and prospects.

He said that today there are no countries in the world that are so close to each other as Turkey and Azerbaijan, and these relations are based entirely on the principles of brotherhood. According to him, the brightest page of the Azerbaijani-Turkish Brotherhood was written during the 44-day Patriotic War.

The chairman of the ATUC also spoke about the importance of the Shusha Declaration, the expanding bilateral economic relations, the active participation of companies from Turkey in the construction work carried out in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan, as well as the mutual visits of the heads of State, which served to further strengthen our relations, and touched on the successful elections in He noted that the parliamentary and presidential elections in Turkey once again showed democracy in this country and stated that Turkish citizens have a high political culture.

In addition, the chairman of the ATUC recalled the terrible earthquake in Turkey and drew attention to the support provided by Azerbaijan.

In his speech, Sattar Mohbaliyev also spoke about the current state of relations between the trade unions of both countries. He emphasized that the continuity of our friendship and the mutual trust that has arisen is for the benefit of the trade unions and workers of the two countries and serves to establish close relations. He suggested that our relations should be maintained and developed not only between our confederations, but also between regional trade unions and even at the local trade union level.

In his speech, the chairman of TURK-ISH, Ergun Atalay, spoke about the ongoing successful cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey in all fields and spoke about the importance of solidarity between our countries. He said that the intention of both countries is to ensure peace and stability in the region, to deepen relations between the countries of the region, especially economic cooperation. He also expressed confidence that the opening of Zangezur Corridor will be beneficial for all regional states.

After the earthquake in Kahramanmaras, A. Atalay noted the financial and moral support of the state of Azerbaijan: “We first saw Azerbaijan next to us, you sent rescuers, medical personnel, aid, tents, bedding to the earthquake region. The Heydar Aliyev Foundation was specially distinguished in this mission. We also saw the help of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan. You sent modular houses for homeless people and provided financial support of 500,000 manats. All these are moments arising from the feelings of brotherhood.”

The chairman of TURK-ISH expressed his support for the proposal put forward by Sattar Mohbaliyev, the chairman of ATUC, regarding the establishment and development of relations at the level of the field and local trade unions, and stressed the importance of taking practical steps in this direction.


At the event, other speeches were heard and opinions were exchanged.